Woman Demands Husband to Get His Stuff Out after Supporting Him for 23 Years — Story of the Day

A woman goes through a rude awakening in a cafe and decides to do something about it — the first thing to go was her husband, but did he deserve it?

Debra Skye was a 52-year-old woman who was very much young at heart. Although she was in her 50s, she did not recognize herself as an old woman — not that she had a lot of time to dwell on the subject, since she had to work three jobs to support her family.

Her husband, Austin Skye, had slowly become a financial burden after he lost his job more than two decades ago.

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At first, he spent all his time looking for a new job without luck, but after some time, he stopped searching. Austin slowly grew accustomed to life as a dependent without any responsibilities, and gradually, his hobby became lying on the couch in front of the TV, drinking beer, and eating chips.

His body was the first thing to change, followed by everything else. He was well-fed and clothed even though he was no longer working.

It was a dream come true for a man who was always lazy at heart. Everything was enough for him, thanks to Debra working different jobs, but he did not seem to notice how hard she was trying.

They had married when they were barely adults; Debra was 19 while he was 20, and they had been completely in love with one another.

That love was what Debra thought about as she continued to hope that Austin would once again start putting himself out there for work. She even remained his staunch supporter at times when their relatives ganged up to ridicule him.

They got married so early in their lives because she had gotten pregnant with their daughter, Kayla. Of course, there would have been consequences if they had not wed, but their love had made it a simple, even natural, decision.

Their daughter, like them, also got married early and gave birth to a child who would grow up without his father because the man divorced Kayla.

Left to fend for her child while not being able to go to work because of the minor child in her care, Kayla needed help, and Debra was who she asked for it.

A dependable mother, Debra chose to pitch in financially, giving Kayla a steady allowance to care for herself and her child.

Never once did the steady supply of money waver, and it made Kayla complacent with finding her own source of income. She stopped trying to search for a suitable workplace and started depending solely on the allowance she was receiving.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

It continued that way for a long time until one day, Debra was jolted to a painful realization. That day had been just like any other; the woman left her home early and stopped at Starbucks for her coffee.

Once in the cafe, she joined a line three people long and patiently stood waiting for her turn while keeping an eye on her watch.

“Gordon will eat me alive if I arrive late today,” she thought to herself.

Her boss knew how many jobs she worked and usually cut her some slack, but Debra knew she had been pushing her luck in recent days. As she impatiently tapped her feet, several teenagers brazenly walked into the cafe and cut in line just when it was her turn.

The cashier, a young man with a bored look on his face, said nothing and simply started serving them. Debra couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Excuse me?” she said through gritted teeth. “Don’t you see me standing here? It was my turn!”

“I’m sorry ma’am, kids will be kids right?” the man behind the counter said, offering an awkward smile.

“What’s your deal anyway?” one of the teenagers said.

“Yeah, got somewhere you have to be?” another said in a mocking voice.

“I don’t think pensioners have anywhere they need to hurry to,” the third teenager said.

“You can stand in the queue all day if you want,” they chorused as they moved to the other end to collect their orders. Debra had never encountered such unruly children before, and it shocked her but not as much as what they said.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

When she returned to her car, she took a long time staring at herself in the mirror. The woman she saw looked very tired. Many wrinkles had become evident on her face, and her dark hair was slowly giving way to grey. Debra couldn’t remember when the gray strands first appeared, and it reminded her of how much she had been neglecting herself.

“I can’t even recall the last time I was in a hair salon,” she thought in despair.

The thought made her wonder what she had been doing all that time, and an answer immediately emerged — slaving away.

It made her very upset and realize that all her life, all she had been doing was trying to please her family, at the expense of her own well-being. “This has to end,” she told herself.

The first thing Debra did was call her daughter to inform her of her decision.

“Hello Mama, I was just going to call you,” Kayla said as soon as she picked up the call. “I was hoping you could send me my allowance earlier than Friday?”

“No Kayla, I will not do that,” Debra said, annoyed that her daughter had not even let her speak.

“What? Mama, why?” Kayla complained.

“Because you’ve grown too complacent with your lot in life. It’s time for you to wake up.”

“What are you saying, Mama?”

“I’m saying effective immediately your allowance is terminated and you’ll no longer be receiving it. If you want money, get out there and work for it.”

With that, Debra hung up and went in search of a beauty salon, where she had her hair dyed before getting a beautiful haircut, manicure, and many other procedures.

She turned her phone off to enjoy what had become a novel experience, and after that, she headed to a mall and got herself several beautiful dresses, one of which she decided to go home in. Her old clothes did not leave the mall with her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Upon arriving home, her husband, who had picked up a call from her boss redirected to their landline, asked where she had been.

“Two of your bosses said you didn’t turn up for your shifts,” Austin said from his position on the couch. When he turned around to look at Debra, he coughed up the bite of chips he had just swallowed.

“Debs, is that you?” he asked wide-eyed.

“Yes, it is,” she replied stiffly.

“You went clothes shopping and all when you were supposed to be working?” he asked her angrily.

She gave him a vague answer but he started scolding her about how much money she wasted treating herself to all those nice things.

They were in the middle of that heated conversation when Kayla walked into the house with all the confidence of a righteous person done wrong. “Why would you cut my allowance off?” she asked without pausing to read the room.

After a moment, she took in her mom’s new look and pointed out how comfortable she was spending so much on herself while refusing to help her.

Debra had to take a moment to calm herself down before responding by explaining what had happened to her daughter. The girl was still trying to contain her shock when her mother turned to her father and revealed her desire to get divorced.

“I’m done cleaning up after you Austin,” she said. The man was shocked. He could not understand why she suddenly turned upon them, but Debra did not back down.

“For the past two decades, I have shouldered this family’s financial burdens. But now I’m tired and would like to focus that energy on myself,” Debra said tearfully. It was like admitting defeat, but what choice did she have? Those she was fighting for had given up a long time ago.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“I want you to leave,” she said.

“What? You can’t mean that,” Austin said.

“I do,” she said, then went past him to get to their room. After that night, Austin’s bruised pride caused him to move out of their home without trying to beg for forgiveness, and Kayla stopped asking Debra for money.

A month later, Debra quit her hard and disliked jobs and settled with one that really brought her passion. She lived her life, traveled the world, and when she could, helped her daughter to look after her grandson.

Debra never regretted her decision to divorce her husband even though he begged her to return after he found a job. “I will keep your offer in mind,” she’d told him, and he had not stopped trying to deserve her ever since.

What can we gain from this story?

  • Self-love is non-negotiable. Debra sacrificed for her family without thinking about herself until the rude kids pointed out just how much it was affecting her. Her awakening brought about change, and she was able to start living for herself once more.
  • Never stop trying. Kayla and Austin gave up so easily because they were getting all they needed through Debra, who never complained. They forgot that the only way to move forward was by trying, but luckily Debra was there to remind them.

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We Sent Money to Our Son for College Tuition – One Day, We Discovered He Wasn’t Even Enrolled and Lived in an Old Trailer

As parents, we’d always believed in our son. He was the perfect child—brilliant, and destined for greatness. So when we sent him off to college with thousands of dollars for tuition, we never questioned his progress. Until the day we found out he had been lying to us all along.

From the moment Jason was born, he was our pride and joy. Growing up, he wasn’t just “our son”; he was the son every family in the neighborhood admired. He excelled at everything he touched.

Boy receiving an award in school | Source: Midjourney

Boy receiving an award in school | Source: Midjourney

Straight A’s? Easy. Captain of the basketball team? Of course. And his charm? It was magnetic. Parents would nudge their kids, saying, “Be more like Jason.” He was handsome, polite, and ambitious. At least, that’s what we thought.

For as long as I can remember, Jason always had a soft spot for animals.

If a stray cat wandered into the yard, it was Jason who would sneak it milk. When our dog, Max, got sick, Jason stayed up all night by his side, even though he was only eight.

Young boy bonding with his dog | Source: Midjourney

Young boy bonding with his dog | Source: Midjourney

“Mom, I want to help animals when I grow up,” he said once, eyes gleaming as he watched Max wag his tail weakly.

“I want to be like Uncle Tom,” he insisted.

I remember laughing softly, tousling his hair. “That’s sweet, honey, but you can help more people if you become a businessman like your dad.”

Young boy bonding with his dog while chatting with his mom. | Source: Midjourney

Young boy bonding with his dog while chatting with his mom. | Source: Midjourney

My husband, Daniel, and I had always envisioned Jason as the future head of our family business. He had all the qualities of a leader.

So, when the time came to choose a college, we insisted on management. Jason hesitated at first, but eventually, he agreed. I thought we had his future all mapped out.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Boy standing at a college building | Source: Midjourney

Boy standing at a college building | Source: Midjourney

It started innocently enough. Jason was two years into college, supposedly studying business management at a prestigious university. We sent him money every month for tuition and living expenses.

Life was busy for Daniel and me; running a company doesn’t leave much room for doubt. So, we never questioned anything.

But then, everything unraveled.

Woman in her car, talking on the phone | Source: Midjourney

Woman in her car, talking on the phone | Source: Midjourney

A business trip took me to the city where Jason’s college was located. I was excited to surprise him. “I’ll swing by his dorm, maybe take him out to dinner,” I told Daniel over the phone.

When I arrived at the admissions office to get his dorm address, the woman behind the counter gave me a confused look. “Jason Reed? I’m sorry, but we don’t have anyone by that name enrolled here.”

I froze, sure there was some mistake. “Check again,” I insisted, my voice trembling.

She checked. And then she checked again. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but there’s no record of a Jason Reed. Are you sure this is the right university?”

Woman talking to a receptionist | Source: Midjourney

Woman talking to a receptionist | Source: Midjourney

My stomach turned. I thanked her stiffly and left the office, my mind racing.

I called Jason immediately. “Hey, Mom!” he answered, cheerful as ever.

“Hi, sweetheart,” I said, forcing my voice to stay steady. “I’m in town for a meeting and thought I’d surprise you. How about coffee?”

There was a pause. “Uh, yeah, sure! Let’s meet at the café near campus.”

Something was off, but I brushed it aside. When I saw him at the café, he looked as polished as ever—relaxed, confident, and full of that same charm that had everyone fooled.

Mother and son at a coffee shop | Source: Midjourney

Mother and son at a coffee shop | Source: Midjourney

“How’s school?” I asked casually.

“Great! Classes are tough, but I’m learning a lot,” he said without missing a beat. “Midterms are coming up, so I’ve been studying nonstop.”

He lied so smoothly, that I almost believed him. But the admissions clerk’s words echoed in my head. He’s not enrolled here.

When we hugged goodbye, I slipped my fitness bracelet into his jacket pocket. It had GPS. If Jason was lying to me, I needed to know where he was really going.

Mother and son hugging | Source: Midjourney

Mother and son hugging | Source: Midjourney

That evening, I followed the bracelet’s signal. It led me far from campus, away from the bustling city, to the outskirts of town. The smooth tarmac gave way to a dirt road lined with towering trees. The GPS beeped faster as I approached a small clearing.

And there it was—a rusty old trailer, half-hidden among the trees. The roof sagged under the weight of mismatched patches, and the whole place looked like it might collapse in a strong wind.

An old trailer in the woods | Source: Midjourney

An old trailer in the woods | Source: Midjourney

I parked my car and waited, gripping the steering wheel so tightly. Ten minutes passed before Jason appeared, walking up the dirt path with a bag slung over his shoulder.

My heart stopped.

I watched as he knocked on the trailer door. When it creaked open, another figure stepped out. It was my brother, Tom.

“Tom?” I whispered to myself, shocked. I hadn’t seen him in over a year. Tom, had always been a wanderer. While Daniel and I built a stable life, Tom flitted between jobs but finally became a veterinarian.

Man standing at the door of an old trailer | Source: Midjourney

Man standing at the door of an old trailer | Source: Midjourney

Without thinking, I got out of the car and marched toward the trailer.

“Jason!” I called, my voice sharp.

He spun around, eyes wide. “Mom?! What are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you that!” I yelled. “What is this place? Why aren’t you at school? And why is he here?”

Tom leaned against the doorframe, smirking. “Nice to see you too, sis.”

“Stay out of this, Tom,” I snapped, glaring at him.

Jason stepped forward, hands up. “Mom, I can explain.”

Son explaining himself to his mother | Source: Midjourney

Son explaining himself to his mother | Source: Midjourney

“No,” I interrupted, my voice trembling. “I’ve been sending you money—our money—for tuition, thinking you were in college. Were you ever enrolled?”

Jason hesitated, then shook his head. “No.”

The word hit me like a slap. “Then where has all the money gone?”

Jason glanced at Tom, then back at me. “I’ve been using it to fund something…important. Uncle Tom’s been helping me.”

My gaze snapped to Tom, who looked unbothered. “Helping you do what?”

Man standing at the door of an old trailer | Source: Midjourney

Man standing at the door of an old trailer | Source: Midjourney

Jason took a deep breath. “I’m building a veterinary clinic.”


“I’ve been dreaming about this my whole life, Mom. Uncle Tom had the skills and connections to help me get started. I’m using the money to buy equipment and renovate a building nearby. Once it’s ready, he’s going to be the head vet.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You lied to us! You’ve been funneling money to this—to him?” I pointed at Tom, whose smirk only deepened.

“Mom, this is my calling,” Jason said, his voice steady. “You and Dad wanted me to take over the business, but that’s not who I am. I want to help animals.”

Son talking to his mom | Source: Midjourney

Son talking to his mom | Source: Midjourney

“You betrayed us!” I shouted, my voice cracking. “You’ll never see another penny from me again.”

I turned and stormed back to my car, tears blurring my vision.

Three months passed, and I didn’t speak to Jason. The silence was unbearable, but I couldn’t bring myself to call him. Then, one day, an envelope arrived in the mail.

The letter read: “Dear Mrs. Reed, Thank you for believing in your son and financing his veterinary clinic. Recently, my dog was hit by a car, and your son saved her life. If it weren’t for him—and for you—she wouldn’t be here today.”

I stared at the letter, my hands shaking.

Woman reading a letter | Source: Midjourney

Woman reading a letter | Source: Midjourney

Over the next few weeks, more letters and emails poured in. Each one told a similar story: animals saved, families reunited, lives changed—all thanks to Jason.

I couldn’t take it anymore.

One night, unable to sleep, I found myself searching for Jason’s Veterinary Clinic online. The result popped up instantly, complete with photos of a small building with bright green awnings and a cheerful sign. My breath caught when I saw Jason in the photo, smiling beside a family and their golden retriever.

I grabbed my keys.

Woman's hand grabbing car keys from the table | Source: Midjourney

Woman’s hand grabbing car keys from the table | Source: Midjourney

The clinic looked just like the pictures. The parking lot was busy, the hum of life evident in the barking of dogs and the chatter of pet owners. My legs felt like jelly as I walked to the front door.

Inside, the first person I saw was Tom. He looked up from a clipboard and froze.

“Well, if it isn’t my sister,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “To what do we owe the honor?”

“I got your messages,” I said, holding back tears.

“My messages?” He smirked, crossing his arms. “Oh, you mean the flood of letters from people thanking you for something you tried to stop.”

Veterinary doctor having a conversation with his sister in his office | Source: Midjourney

Veterinary doctor having a conversation with his sister in his office | Source: Midjourney

I flinched, but he didn’t stop.

“You wrote him off, but look around.” He gestured to the clinic bustling with life. “This is Jason. This is what you didn’t see. You were so busy planning his life, you never stopped to ask what he wanted.”

“Where is he?” I asked, ignoring the sting of his words.

Tom nodded toward a back room. “Go see for yourself.”

Veterinary doctor talking to his sister in his office | Source: Midjourney

Veterinary doctor talking to his sister in his office | Source: Midjourney

On the other side, Jason bent over an examination table, gently examining a scruffy dog while speaking softly to a tearful woman.

“Mom?” he said, noticing me. His voice held equal parts surprise and fear.

I didn’t speak at first, the lump in my throat too heavy. Finally, I managed, “You did this?”

Jason nodded slowly. “Yeah. I did.”

His confidence wavered as he spoke. “I know I hurt you. I know I lied, but—”

“Jason,” I interrupted, my voice breaking. “I was wrong.”

He blinked.

Mother and son having a conversation | Source: Midjourney

Mother and son having a conversation | Source: Midjourney

I took a shaky step forward. “This is your calling. It’s everything you said it was. And I couldn’t see it. I tried to control you, to make you into someone you weren’t, but…” My voice cracked. “You’ve built something beautiful. Something that saves lives. I’m so proud of you.”

Jason’s eyes glistened as he stepped toward me. “That means everything, Mom.”

Behind us, Tom’s voice rang out, amused but warm. “Look at that. Turns out we were right all along.”

I turned back to Jason, my heart finally at peace.

“Promise me one thing,” I said.

“Anything,” he replied.

“Don’t ever stop being this person.”

Young veterinary doctor talking to his mother | Source: Midjourney

Young veterinary doctor talking to his mother | Source: Midjourney

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This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided as “is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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