Why Were Olympic Athletes & Other Celebs Spotted with Dark Red Circles on Their Bodies?

This year’s Olympics are now in full swing and it’s all eyes on the athletes.

From archery and shooting to athletics and gymnastics, there’s all kind of sports taking place across Paris, France, at the moment.

One fan-favorite sport to watch is the swimming, and this year there’s a whopping 854 athletes from 187 different countries competing.

But there’s a common theme you might have spotted with some of the swimmers and that’s the unusual dark red circles they have on their backs.

Swimmer pictured at Tokyo 2020 with circular bruising. (OLI SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images)

While it might look like they’ve had a fight with an octopus and lost, there’s a very different reason for the odd markings.

It turns out that the large spots are from cupping therapy – an ancient healing technique that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction and increase blood flow to the area.

The unconventional method is supposed to help with muscle recovery and is used as a type of deep tissue massage.

Some athletes were spotted with cupping therapy bruises back at the Rio Olympics in 2016, and it’s still seemingly popular now.

Michael Phelps seen with cupping therapy bruises on his shoulders. (Al Bello/Getty Images)

Gymnast Alexander Naddour told USA Today back in 2016 that cupping was supposedly the ‘secret’ to his health.

He added: “It’s been better than any money I’ve spent on anything else.”

Away from the Games, basketball player Kyle Singler has also praised cupping therapy.

“The bruises do look more intense than what they actually feel like, but the benefit from it is really great,” he previously insisted.

Singler continued to tell Sports Illustrated: “You’re not necessarily getting the immediate response that you might want but over time it does help with recovery and loosening tissue and stuff like that.”

But does cupping therapy actually work according to experts? It’s seems as if the jury’s still out.

Experts are still unsure of the full benefits of cupping therapy. (Marcel ter Bals/DeFodi Images/DeFodi via Getty Images)

According to Harvard Health, some studies have found that cupping might provide some relief for a number of musculoskeletal and sports-related conditions. The quality of this evidence was ‘limited’, however.

Elsewhere a 2022 review found that wet (as opposed to dry cupping) was effective for lower back pain.

While the bruises people get from cupping are pretty gnarly, the therapy is generally seen as safe to practice – even if people aren’t 100 percent on how affective it is.

“Most experts agree that cupping is safe. As long as those treated don’t mind the circular discolorations (which fade over a number of days or weeks), side effects tend to be limited to the pinch experienced during skin suction,” Harvard Health explains.

“It’s quite unusual that cupping causes any serious problems (though, rarely, skin infections have been reported).”

There you have it, folks.

After 6-year-old son passes away, parents find note he left them

I hope that when you’re reading this story you have some tissues to hand because you’re going to need them; I really cried real tears for this little boy and you will too!

This lovely little boy, called Leland Shoemake, wanted his mommy and daddy to have this lovely sweet message from him before his time came to leave this world.

At only the tender age of six-years-old this little boy died of his condition on September 25th, he was undergoing treatment for Balamuthia mandrillaris, a brain-eating amoeba.

His parents returned home without their son to find a note, it was special and it’s something that they will treasure and cherish for all their days!

Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

His mom was in his room, she was organizing and preparing for the funeral, it was Tim who found the note, it was in their living room in a place that he liked to draw and do art.

Time burst into tears as soon as he set his eyes on the note, he ran towards his wife, keen to show her the note he had found…

The note simply ready this:

“Still with you. Thank you, mom and dad. Love mom and dad.”

 Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

Amber said:

“To say I lost it was an understatement …We cried together for the longest time.”

Their little boy frequently wrote notes to them, and pictures too, but this one was really so much more special than any of the others, they decided to frame it and have it on the wall in the living room.

After 6-year-old son passes away, parents find note he left them



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I hope that when you’re reading this story you have some tissues to hand because you’re going to need them; I really cried real tears for this little boy and you will too!

This lovely little boy, called Leland Shoemake, wanted his mommy and daddy to have this lovely sweet message from him before his time came to leave this world.

At only the tender age of six-years-old this little boy died of his condition on September 25th, he was undergoing treatment for Balamuthia mandrillaris, a brain-eating amoeba.

His parents returned home without their son to find a note, it was special and it’s something that they will treasure and cherish for all their days!

Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

His mom was in his room, she was organizing and preparing for the funeral, it was Tim who found the note, it was in their living room in a place that he liked to draw and do art.

Time burst into tears as soon as he set his eyes on the note, he ran towards his wife, keen to show her the note he had found…

The note simply ready this:

“Still with you. Thank you, mom and dad. Love mom and dad.”

 Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

Amber said:

“To say I lost it was an understatement …We cried together for the longest time.”

Their little boy frequently wrote notes to them, and pictures too, but this one was really so much more special than any of the others, they decided to frame it and have it on the wall in the living room.


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Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

Mom says in her Facebook past that Leland was a clever and very curious little boy!Amber wrote about him:

“He knew his abc’s, numbers, colors, shapes and 20 sight words by the time he was a year old. He was our little nerd and we loved that about him. He loved school and loved to learn. He loved the history channel, the weather channel, documentaries and anything about history …He had a hunger for learning.”

 Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

Leland wasn’t just a clever little boy, he also was really sociable too and enjoyed talking with his parents and other people too, every single person who came into contact with him recognized his lovely kind personality, his parents even made new friends because of him.

 Source: The Leland Shoemake Foundation

He was just a really lovely child, but taken way too soon, before he flourished!

This note he left behind, it was simply beautiful, something that everyone should see, words are really not enough to describe what it means to any parent to find something like this in these circumstances.

Amber said about Leland:

“He was our little nerd and we loved that about him. He loved school and loved to learn.”

“He loved the history channel, the weather channel, documentaries and anything about history.”

“He loved ships like the Titanic and learning about things like WWII. He was perfect. His favorite movie was jaws.”

“His favorite director was Steven Spielberg. And his favorite actor was Adam Sandler.”

“He loved his brother and his family so much. He was the life of every party. His smile could light up a city.”

“He was the smartest, most caring, loving little boy there ever was.”

This little boy will be sadly missed by all that knew him, his parents especially and we send our love and prayers to him!

Please SHARE this touching story with your friends and family.


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