Why experts don’t always recommend sleeping with a fan on

Has anyone else noticed that it’s a little… warm right now? Like, really warm? And for many, this deep humidity can have a major impact on sleep – after all, having a bedroom that’s part-snooze station and part-sauna can be pretty uncomfortable. The obvious solution for sleeping in the heat? A fan! Right? Erm, unfortunately (and we hate to be the ones to break this to you) some experts are actually warning against sleeping with a fan on.

According to Sleep Advisor, sleeping with a fan on might not always be a great idea for health-related reasons, as although having a fan on will circulate air to make your room cooler and fresher, it can also circulate pollen and dust. Which isn’t ideal if you suffer from allergies, asthma or hay fever (which has also ramped up for many at this time of year).

“Take a close look at your fan,” the Sleep Advisor suggests. “If it’s been collecting dust on the blades, those particles are flying through the air every time you turn it on.”

Other reasons not to sleep with a fan on include the fact that it can dry out your skin, as well as your nasal passages, and if your nasal passages become too dry, Sleep Advisor warns that the body can produce excess mucous, making you feel all bunged up come morning time. Not ideal…

pregnant woman lying in bed has difficulty sleeping due to heat wave, she uses an electric fan in her bedroom

And then there’s muscle cramping. “People who sleep with a breeze directly on them may wake up with stiff or sore muscles. This is because the concentrated cool air can make muscles tense up and cramp,” the experts explain. “This problem is especially common for people who sleep with it near their face and neck. If you’ve been waking up with a stiff neck in the morning, it might be because of the constant breeze.”

On the flip-side, the article does point out that fans in the bedroom can work well for people as provide comforting white noise to help people drift off to sleep when it’s stuffy.

But if you’re prone to allergies, it could be worth trying other options like a cool flannel in a bowl of water near your bed, or sleeping on top of the covers with the window open. Happy sweating either way, folks!


Trypophobia is a relatively lesser-known psychological phenomenon characterized by an intense aversion or fear of clustered patterns of small holes, bumps, or irregular shapes. While not officially recognized as a distinct mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), trypophobia has gained attention in recent years due to its prevalence and the emotional distress it can cause in individuals who experience it.

People with trypophobia often react strongly to images or objects that exhibit repetitive and closely packed small holes, such as lotus seed pods, honeycombs, or certain types of coral. The term “trypophobia” itself is derived from the Greek words “trypo,” meaning “hole,” and “phobia,” indicating an irrational fear. It’s important to note that trypophobia is not limited to specific shapes or textures; it encompasses a wide range of stimuli, and triggers can vary from person to person.

The fear response associated with trypophobia may manifest as feelings of discomfort, anxiety, nausea, or even panic attacks. Some individuals may go to great lengths to avoid situations or objects that could trigger their trypophobia, impacting their daily lives. While the exact cause of trypophobia remains unclear, researchers speculate that it may be linked to evolutionary factors, as some dangerous animals and plants exhibit similar patterns in nature.

Social media and the internet have played a significant role in popularizing trypophobia, with numerous online communities sharing images and discussions related to this phenomenon. The widespread dissemination of trypophobic triggers has led to increased awareness and recognition of this condition. However, it’s crucial to approach the topic with sensitivity, as exposure to triggering images can genuinely distress individuals who experience trypophobia.

Despite its prevalence, trypophobia remains an area of ongoing research, and professionals in psychology and psychiatry continue to explore its origins, manifestations, and potential treatments. Understanding trypophobia can contribute to more compassionate and informed discussions about mental health, promoting empathy and support for those who grapple with this unique fear.

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