Why do some people place coins on gravestones?

Coping with the loss of a loved one is a challenging journey, even when they rest in a visitable site. Many individuals express their deep connection by leaving intricate offerings like flower arrangements, and in certain cultures, even snacks. However, the tradition of placing coins on gravestones holds a distinctive significance, primarily associated with military personnel, carrying a profound meaning for veterans and their families.

The origins of the practice are somewhat unclear, with claims suggesting a historical connection to the Roman Empire, though lacking concrete documentation, according to Snopes. Regardless of its historical roots, one undeniable truth remains, those who serve in the armed forces, along with their loved ones, endure sacrifices that often surpass common understanding.

The custom of leaving coins on gravestones can be traced back to the Vietnam War era, where it served as a practical means of communication amidst the divisive political climate surrounding the war. Leaving a coin became a subtle yet meaningful gesture, avoiding potential contentious discussions with the soldier’s family about the politics of the war. This revelation is shared on the American Legion Website.

Beyond its practical origins, the tradition of leaving coins on gravestones has evolved into a symbolic act of showing respect and honoring fallen comrades. Each coin type carries a distinct meaning in this poignant practice. A penny symbolizes a simple visit, a nickel holds sentimental value as it signifies shared experiences in boot camp, a dime represents serving together, even briefly, before a transfer, and a quarter, perhaps the most significant, indicates that the individual was present during the time of death, offering solace to the grieving family.

This tradition of military personnel leaving coins is not the sole connection between the military and monetary symbols. Challenge coins, a beloved military tradition, have deep roots dating back to World War I, symbolizing unity among those who have served. While challenge coins hold sentimental value and represent unity, they lack any monetary worth.

Coins, as symbols, extend beyond military traditions, playing roles in various cultural practices. Coins are often seen as symbols of good luck, goodwill towards newlyweds, and objects for making wishes. Throughout history, there have been instances of individuals being buried with their wealth, although not necessarily in the form of coins. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, was reported to be buried with two-half dollars over his eyes.

While the specific symbolism of currency may remain unclear in the tradition of placing coins on gravestones, the practice signifies a bond that transcends superficial understanding. It serves as a powerful and enduring tribute, acknowledging the sacrifices made by those in the service and their families, ensuring their dedication is never overlooked or forgotten.

What White Tongue Is, and What to Do About It

There are many possible causes for white tongue, and in some cases, it comes with an unpleasant odor and mouth dryness. To get rid of it, sometimes you just need to brush your teeth. But what should you do if that doesn’t help?

❗ This article is for informative purposes only and can’t replace the advice of a specialist.

What white tongue is

The white film may cover the entire tongue, part of it, or appear as spots. At the same time, an unpleasant odor and taste in the mouth may appear. It looks as if there are small white hairs on the tongue’s surface. In fact, they are buds covered with organic particles, bacteria, and dead cells.

White plaque on the tongue (which can also be yellow) may appear for different reasons, like due to irritation or because of an infection. It usually disappears after several days. If the situation doesn’t change for several weeks, and it’s painful to eat and talk, it’s best to see a doctor.

It’s important to note that the plaque may not only be white. While a pink tongue is normal, a brown tongue means the person drinks too much coffee or tea. A yellow tongue means there’s something wrong with the liver, and a red tongue is a sign that the person lacks vitamin B.

Why the tongue becomes white

Usually, the tongue becomes white due to bacteria, leftover bits of food, or dead cells that get stuck in between the buds. Because of this, the buds may increase in size or become inflamed. This is how white spots on the tongue’s surface appear.

Sometimes, the plaque appears due to an illness. For example, the geographic tongue is also a condition where white spots appear on the tongue. It’s quite rare, and the causes are unknown, but the condition itself is often connected to eating foods that irritate the tongue. It may also be a reaction to stress, an illness, or hormonal changes.

Why white plaque appears on the tongue

There are some things that make the appearance of white plaque on the tongue more probable:

  • Age
  • Taking antibiotics (white-yellow plaque appearing when there’s a fungal infection in the mouth)
  • A diet that’s lacking enough fruits, vegetables, vitamin B12, and iron
  • A weak immune system
  • Bad mouth hygiene
  • Dental prosthetics or other objects that can damage the tongue
  • Dehydration and mouth dryness

What piercings have to do with white tongue

Right after piercing the tongue, there might be some white film present. This happens because the number of bacteria on the tongue increases, and it’s normal. Antibacterial mouthwash will help you get rid of it. Plus, there might be a ring around the piercings, which is normal too, and it means the tissue is healing.

If the plaque appears due to an injury (including piercings), the healing should take around 1.5 weeks. You should avoid irritants, such as hot, spicy, or sour foods and drinks.

How to get rid of white tongue at home

  • Practice good mouth hygiene.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Brush your teeth using a soft toothbrush.
  • Use a mild fluoride toothpaste — one that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Use fluoride mouthwash.
  • Brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper to remove the white coating.
  • Drink cold drinks through a straw.
  • Avoid food and drinks that are spicy, salty, acidic, or very hot in temperature.

Who to talk to if you’re worried about your white tongue

  • Your dentist can help you remove the white film from the tongue and prescribe medications if needed.
  • Your GP can diagnose the tongue, prescribe you certain medications and determine if the white tongue is an indicator of a more serious issue.

What do you do about white tongue?

Preview photo credit Genusfotografen (genusfotografen.se) & Wikimedia Sverige (wikimedia.se) / Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 4.0Martanopue / Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 3.0

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