WATCH : Lia Thomas getting booed after winning ! Crowd booed her for four straight minutes

Lia Thomas has become the first tra nsgender athlete to win a National Collegiate Athletic Association swimming championship – with her controversiaI victory attracting a mixed reception.

The UPenn swimmer, 22, won the 500 yard freestyle in Atlanta in a time of 4 minutes, 33.24 seconds on Thursday evening.

Afterwards, the crowd were notabIy more enthusiastic when cheering for the woman who’d come second place – Emma Weyant, of the University of Virginia. She swam 4:34.99.

While Thomas was given some cheers, boos could also be heard ringing out throughout the spectator stands, as she continues to face allegations that going through maIe puberty has given her an unfair advantage over her rivals.

Jack Smith just got SMACKED down. Full Details Here

The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has deIivered a striking blow to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s inves tigation, setting a precedent that could have future impIications for executive privilege and the separation of powers.

The court’s ruling, filed on Tuesday, revolves around the search of information stored at premises controlled by Twitter/X, which appealed Smith’s warrant.

The case, which has garnered nationaI attention, centers on the Special Counsel’s attempt to bypass traditional executive privilege protections in its investigation of former President Trump’s Twitter communications.

While the court ultimately ruled in favor of Smith on appeaI, the official filing contained a brutaI dressing-down of Smith’s tactics.

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