The First Ever Albino Twins Born In Argentina Will Leave You In Awe

Virginia and Catalina are two albino girls from Argentina who became viral on social media when they were born four years ago.

In 2018 Jorge Gomez and his wife received the good news that they were going to become parents to two twin baby girls. The couple already had a son and became ecstatic when the doctors told them they were expecting twin girls.

According to Gomez, the pregnancy was completely normal, and his wife used to visit her doctor regularly.

“When they gave us the news that we would have two babies, it gave us a lot of happiness, and when they were born, and we saw that they were albinos that happiness did not change at all. For us it is a blessing,” he told a local news outlet.

The father-of-three said that there were no complications and everything went smoothly. However, in the 36th week, doctors told him that they had to deliver the babies immediately.

So, the girls were born prematurely in the 36th week. But they were healthy and weighed normal. Catalina was born two minutes earlier than Virginia. They both weighed 5.95 lbs and 5.5 lbs, respectively.

The unusual thing about the newborn girls was their milky white hair. Gomez and his wife didn’t see any kid like that before in their lives, nor did anyone else.

So, the girls became an overnight sensation in Argentina in 2018 and made headlines in many media outlets and newspapers.

The pictures of them went all over the internet, and people were amazed to see two small girls born with snow-white hair.

According to LV12, the twins were born with a rare genetic disorder, albinism in which there is a lack of pigmentation in the skin.

People with albinism do not have enough melanin pigment in their skin and are born with either white or blonde hair. This condition also affects their coloring and eyesight. Some babies even have ginger hair, depending on the amount of melanin in their skin.

Catalina and Virginia were the first-ever kids born with albinism in Argentina. Their rare condition made them popular in the country.

“When they gave us the news that we would have two babies, it gave us a lot of happiness, and when they were born, and we saw that they were albinos, that happiness did not change at all,” Jorge Gomez told LV12.

He said he felt super blessed to be their father and never once thought that they were different from other kids or something was wrong with them.

“There were some precautions that we as parents had to bear in mind. For example, the girls are extremely sensitive to UV rays, which affect their skin and can cause sunburn and even cancer in a worst-case scenario,” said Gomez.

“So, we have to be extra cautious all the time and make sure that they are not going in the sunlight and are well protected from extreme weather conditions, especially hot weather.”

The twins are now four years old and look even more beautiful as they are growing up.

Mom Leaves Note On “Disrespectful” Son’s Door, And Now It’s Going Viral

Being a parent to a cocky, disrespectful teenager is far from easy, and different parents have different approaches to getting their children to behave.
One mom, Heidi Johnson, wrote a handwritten letter to her son, Aaron, and shared it on Facebook. She didn’t intend for the post to go viral. She didn’t even intend to make the post public. It was supposed to just be for friends to see, but she does not regret her post or the fact that it’s public.
In the letter to her 13-year-old son, Johnson reprimanded her son treating her like a “roommate.” She went on to give him an itemized bill for rent, food, etc that totaled over $700. If he was going to treat her like a roommate instead of his mom, she would do the same.

Johnson signed the note, “Love Mom,” and she truly does love her son. She followed up the post with another post explaining some backstory to the situation.

She also reassured parents who were criticizing her that “I am not going to put my 13 year old on the street if he can’t pay his half of the rent. I am not wanting him to pay anything.

I want him to take pride in his home, his space, and appreciate the gifts and blessings we have.”

She added that she never intended for Aaron to pay the bill. Instead, she wanted him to “gain an appreciation of what things cost.”

The reason Johnson wrote the note was to make sure her son understood “what life would look like if I was not his ‘parent,’ but rather a ‘roommate.’ It was a lesson about gratitude and respect from the very beginning.”

Johnson also explained that before she wrote the note, her son had lied about doing his homework, and when she told him she was going to restrict his internet access, he responded, “Well, I am making money now.”

She explained that the money he was referring to was a little bit of income he was making from his YouTube channel, but not nearly enough to pay for food and rent.

The public note has not hurt Johnson’s relationship with her son. She explained, “He and I still talk as openly as ever. He has apologized multiple times.”

Johnson has also had parents turning to her for advice since she posted the note to her son.

She explains, “My post seems to have opened a door, and people feel safe coming to me and asking for advice, venting, or even just have someone bear witness to their experience by listening and opening up and sharing a piece of myself in return.”

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