She Broke Down In Tears After Being Helped After Days On The Street – The Emotional Story

A small puppy has broken its hind leg. She was struck by an automobile. She lay poor, afraid, crying and tormented by pain… How long has she been in this place? Nobody discovered or assisted.

Flies and maggots started attacking the wound, she cried a lot. The puppy’s condition is critical. The puppy is still extremely young, and he has his entire life ahead of him.

“It will be painful for us to forget these pained looks, the painful screams of a puppy in agony…”

She is named Molly. She was at the Veterinary Clinic. Molly was diagnosed with leptospirosis and bubonic plague. Molly received a blood transfusion from the vets.

“Molly’s surgery is still underway. While she was very weak and comatose. Molly, come on up.”


“Believe in Molly. She is sure to cope and will surprise us all with her quads. I have complete faith in this petite yet powerful young lady.”

Molly felt well, ate and went to bed.

Molly deserves nothing but the best. The boy has been through a lot in his five months of life.

I wish she has a happy family…. Please see the video link in the video description to see who can offer her a wonderful life.

Please ‘Share’ her story with your family and friends!

If you see someone wearing these shoes, stop what you’re doing and look around

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to become ensnared in our own trials and tribulations, often forgetting that there are individuals facing challenges far greater than our own.

Every person we encounter is engaged in some form of struggle, whether overt or concealed. This underscores the importance of maintaining constant consideration and treating everyone with the utmost respect.

For me, this principle holds particular significance in interactions with individuals navigating life with disabilities. It’s not about bestowing special treatment or fostering pity; rather, it’s about recognizing the profound inspiration they embody and affording them the respect they deserve.

An essential aspect of demonstrating this respect is acquiring knowledge about the obstacles faced by individuals with various disabilities. Consider, for instance, the visually impaired…

The prospect of losing one’s sight is daunting, as our eyes serve as conduits through which we perceive and understand the world. Yet, there are countless individuals coping with severe visual impairment or complete blindness.


For those living with visual impairment, simple tasks become arduous challenges. Enter Tec-Innovation, an Australian company that has developed a groundbreaking solution: InnoMake shoes.

Reports indicate that these innovative shoes utilize advanced sensor technology to assist wearers in navigating obstacles they may not perceive visually. Equipped with built-in sensors, the InnoMake shoes emit vibrations or sounds upon detecting obstacles, akin to the warning systems in automobiles.

According to information shared on their YouTube channel, the shoes feature specialized slots for the sensors, which retain their charge for up to a week after a three-hour charging session. Moreover, they can be synchronized with a smartphone, allowing users to customize settings such as alert preferences and minimum detection distances.

Have you ever encountered someone wearing such shoes? Were you aware of their purpose? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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