Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet’s Son Made a Rare Appearance and People Spot the Same Thing

Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa’s son, Nakoa-Wolf, stole the spotlight in a new video shared by his famous dad. The 15-year-old joined his father for a fun day out on the water, and fans are convinced he is the carbon copy of one of his parents.

In the video, Momoa discusses some of the perks of the soap he’s using, while his son stands in the background. Without warning, Momoa pushes Nakoa-Wolf into the water, continuing to discuss the brand Humble as if nothing had happened. The video then shows the two laughing together and struggling to push each other into the water, with Nakoa-Wolf trying his hardest to get even with his dad to no avail.

The video racked up thousands of likes and comments, including a sweet message from Lenny Kravitz, Momoa’s close friend and Lisa Bonet’s ex-husband. “What up fam,” he commented, adding a heart and a fist emoji.

Many fans pointed out the same thing in the video — how Nakoa looks just like his mom. “He looks like his moma,” commented one. “Yes he does. First thing I noticed. Her whole face, just lighter and more masculine,” another agreed.

98-year-old Kentucky woman with over 230 great-great-grandchildren meets her great-great-great-grandchild for the first time in amazing photo with 6 generations in it

An incredibly heartwarming photo showing six generations of women from the same family has gone viral recently as it captured the attention of a large number of people.

At the top end of the age scale is 99-year-old MaeDell Taylor Hawkins who is holding her seven-month-old great-great-great-granddaughter Zhavia Whitaker in her arms while the rest of the women, including MaeDell’s daughter, Frances Snow, 77, granddaughter Gracie Snow Howell, great-granddaughter Jacqueline Ledford, 29, and great-great-granddaughter Jaisline Wilson, 19, are posing behind them. Today, MaeDell has more than 620 grandchildren from her own daughters and their children’s children.

“I know it’s rare for six generations … it’s even rarer for all of them to be the same gender,” MaeDell’s granddaughter Howell, 58, told Good Morning America. “We’re all girls — girl power, as well.”

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When they snapped the photo and shared it on the social media, none of them knew it would attract that much attention.

“We just kind of planned a day, and we just all met and grandma knew we were coming,” Howell, who now lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, said.

MaeDell got married back in 1940 when she was just 16 years old. Her husband was 50-year-old rail worker Bill Taylor who at the time had 10 children and needed someone to take care of them while he was at work. MaeDell took the role of a mother and went on to have 13 children on her own.

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The family lived a very simple life as they lacked electricity, running water, and a stove, among the rest.

Getting married young was normal back in the day. Speaking of it, Howell said, “Now we don’t. We have children later in our life, so families are not that big. Having six generations is very, very rare to start with.”

The Kentucky matriarch now boasts a whopping 623 descendants, according to a family chart shared by her daughter-in-law, Janice Taylor. They include 106 grandchildren, 222 great-grandchildren, 234 great-great-grandchildren and 37 great-great-great-grandchildren.

“If everything goes well, the baby’s doing well, Grandma’s doing well – we’re all going to meet back in June and get another picture,” the family shared.

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