It’s Bed Time And This Toddler Is Excited!

It is 7:30 PM, and Mia, who is three years old, is bursting with energy. Mia is excited for sleep, bouncing around the house with her favorite stuffed animal tucked under her arm and her jammies on.

Sarah and Mike, Mia’s parents, laugh as they observe the contrast between Mia’s eagerness for bedtime and their regular arguments. But Mia’s excitement is contagious tonight.

Giggling, Mia dashes to her room and calls out to her parents to join her for the ritual of going to bed. Mike and Sarah trail after, fascinated by Mia’s unexpected love of sleep.

The nightly routine takes a lively turn in Mia’s room. Mia insisted on selecting a colorful story about amiable dragons from a stack of books for her bedtime reading. To Mia’s enjoyment, Mike creates sound effects while Sarah reads aloud.

Following the narrative, Mia takes control of her nighttime routine, making sure to choose her coziest blanket, brush her teeth with a disproportionate amount of excitement, and arrange her stuffed animals in the ideal order.

Mia surprised Sarah and the rest of the family by breaking into her favorite bedtime song, complete with unexpected dance moves and off-key humming. When Sarah and Mike join in, the family starts singing happily.

After finishing her nightly rituals, Sarah bends in to kiss Mia good night. With beaming eyes, Mia whispers, “I love you, Daddy and Mommy,” and then curls up under her covers.

Mike and Sarah look at one other, amazed at the unanticipated happiness Mia has brought to their evening. They come to the realization that sometimes the cutest things may be the most heartwarming as they carefully exit Mia’s room.

Sarah and Mike, thankful for the small pleasures of bedtime and the love that unites their family, consider the beauty of parenthood as Mia smiles and goes to sleep. They feel fortunate to have such a lively and affectionate little daughter as they leave Mia’s room.

WATCH : MSNBC’s Clueless Host Stunned into Silence by Vivek Ramaswamy

Former GOP hopefuI Vivek Ramaswamy has gained some steam, back before he dropped out and sided with former President Donald Trump.

Back in the heady early days of the runup to the GOP primary, Vivek was largely considered the winner of the first Republican debate, and the fact that most of the other hopefuls on stage directly atta cked Ramaswamy as opposed to Florida governor Ron DeSantis was quite telling.

It had been assumed that if former President Donald Trump had any actuaI competition, it would come from the Florida governor. Many pundits had assumed the debate would be a knives-out attack on DeSantis. Instead, he faded into the background, avoiding any heavy blows from the likes of Chris Christie and Nikki Haley.

Ramaswamy, the Cincinnati-born entrepreneur, has run largely on the populist platform used by Donald Trump. He espouses America-first policies, more border security, cutting off funding for foreign wa rs, and a climate change stance that immediately has run afoul of the left.

On the debate stage, Ramaswamy called climate change a hoax, eIiciting cheers from the crowd but derision from the other GOP challengers. The young upstart contender recently went on leftist MSNBC and was attacked by Andre Mitchell about his climate change stance.

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