The 65-year-old actress took to her Instagram on Wednesday to flaunt her beach body, providing her followers with a little hump day delight.
Wearing a green leopard-print thong bikini, Sharon Stone held up her phone, showcased her nearly bare booty, and struck a pose while capturing the sultry moment in her full-length mirror.
The “Basic Instinct” star appeared to be makeup-free, and her short blond hair naturally fell over the frames of her black sunglasses. It looked like she was in her living room, with a couch, armchair, coffee table, and various artworks behind her.
Fans commended the actress for her “beautiful and natural” physique, focusing mainly on her stunning figure.
However, the majority of the audience didn’t pay much attention to the background of the sexy photo.
Comments like “Girl still got it 🤘🏼💚☘️,” “Omg, don’t hurt em! 🔥❤️😎 Slaying!” and “Iconic!” flooded the comments section.
Despite some ageist comments, most social media users celebrated the “always inspirational” actress for her “beautiful and natural” physique.
“Sharon, you look fantastic at ANY age. Keep doing you and don’t listen to any haters. You look fantastic, fit, and healthy ❤️,” another supporter gushed.
Even her famous friends showered her with compliments.
Popular Fox News anchor Sean Hannity revealed huge personal news : he is paking up his talents and…
Popular Fox News anchor Sean Hannity revealed that he is packing up his talents and moving to Florida. He is leaving his home in Long Island and will broadcast from the Sunshine State.
After relocating his family to Florida, Sean Hannity informed his iHeartRadio taIk show audience that he was now broadcasting Iive from his new studio.
At the outset of his show on Tuesday, Hannity announced the breaking news, stating: If anybody is Iistening to this program for any length of time, been threatening now to do this for quite a while. But we are now beginning our first broadcast of my new home, and that is in the free state of Florida. I am out. I am done. I’m finished.
New York, New York. Goodbye. Florida. Florida. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. But it’s great to be here. And I will tell you, one of the things that I was told either before, Linda, but feeIing good tonight, by the way, and I’m that because she entertains everybody.
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