Kinky Friedman, known for his satirical and often provocative style, has passed away at 79. A post on his social media announced, “Kinky Friedman stepped on a rainbow at his beloved Echo Hill surrounded by family & friends. Kinkster endured tremendous pain & unthinkable loss in recent years but he never lost his fighting spirit and quick wit. Kinky will live on as his books are read and his songs are sung.”
Richard Samet “Kinky” Friedman earned a cult following for his unique take on country and Western music. He released numerous albums, starting with “Sold American” in 1973, a record that laid the foundation for his career. Known as the “governor of the heart of Texas,” he even toured with Bob Dylan during the “Rolling Thunder Revue” and made history as the “first full-blooded Jew” to perform at the Grand Ole Opry.
Apart from his musical endeavors, Friedman was a prolific writer. He wrote detective novels and contributed as a columnist for Texas Monthly. He also ventured into politics, running for Governor of Texas in 2006 with the campaign slogan “My Governor is a Jewish Cowboy,” securing 12.6 percent of the votes among six candidates.
Born in Chicago and raised in Texas, Friedman studied psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. His passion for music led him to form King Arthur & the Carrots and later Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys. He described the latter as a “country band with a social conscience, a demented love child of Lenny Bruce and Bob Wills.”
Reflecting on his life, Friedman once wrote, “Somewhere in heaven, I’m sure there’s a quiet corner with a big easy chair, a bright floor lamp, a big stack of biographical books, and a few old dogs wagging their tails to the faint smell of cigar smoke.”
The story behind this harsh photo going viral serves as a valuable lesson for everyone
The internet often provides a platform for bullies and unhappy individuals to lash out at strangers. Unfortunately, certain people continue to be common targets for this negativity.
In a troubling trend, many seem to derive satisfaction from hurting others online, and this story highlights that issue. However, the twist here is that the victim chose to confront her attackers.
Jennifer Knapp Wilkinson was shopping at her local grocery store when she lost her balance and fell while trying to grab a nearby shelf. Struggling to stabilize herself from her scooter, she managed to right herself, thinking she was alone.
Sadly, she soon discovered that wasn’t the case. Instead of offering assistance, a bystander took a photo of her fall and shared it online. This act prompted a wave of mockery from users worldwide, who cruelly ridiculed her for her weight and circumstances.
Instead of remaining silent, Jennifer decided to speak out. In her response, she explained: “The reason I’m sharing this is because people think it’s funny to laugh at people with disabilities”.
She clarified that her weight issues stem from a spinal condition called spondylolisthesis, which causes pain and weakness in her legs. Standing for extended periods increases her risk of falling, something she has unfortunately become accustomed to.
That day, despite feeling particularly weak and in pain, she ventured out to shop for her family. While reaching for a case of soda, she fell, and although she sensed people giggling nearby, she brushed it off, as she had grown used to rude remarks from strangers.
Jennifer emphasized: “You can’t see my disabilities, but they are there and they are real. The next time you see someone being mocked, remember you don’t know their struggles. It’s never just harmless fun”. She condemned the act of taking and sharing the photo without her consent, stating: “I did not choose to be photographed at a low point in my life”.
Despite facing ongoing accusations about her weight and assumptions regarding her health, Jennifer wants to remind everyone: “Obese people are treated as less than human, but we are people, too”.
In closing, she expressed that her intention is not to seek pity but to foster understanding and compassion. “I am a person, please treat me as such!” Jennifer’s bravery in standing up against bullying and her thoughtful message serve as a reminder that the online world can be dark, but those who advocate for themselves and others help illuminate it.
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