Working with wonderful woofers, the sort of furry joy-bringers that make a difference in people’s lives?
Pitching in with a pack of incredible pups can make a lasting impression on a person’s mind, outlook, and, for sure, their spirit, too.
And that chance to lend a hand, your time, some empathy and understanding, and a whole lot of love is coming up, on Dec. 11, thanks to a “puppy raiser” training session with Guide Dogs of America.
This is a virtual happening, via Zoom, and it will be the final online information event before in-person gatherings return to the Sylmar campus in 2022.
Guide Dogs of American pairs trained pups with “… individuals who are blind/visually impaired and service dogs for veterans and children with autism,” with dogs also being placed in “hospitals, schools, and courtrooms.”
“Our highly skilled canines become trusted companions that increase people’s confidence, mobility, and independence. All programs and services, including transportation, personalized training, room/board, and postgraduate support, are provided at no cost to the recipient,” states the organization on its site.
And helping the organization achieve its mission?
Puppy raisers, those dedicated volunteers who are among some of the first people a young, in-training dog gets to know, trust, and adore.
If you choose to pursue volunteering for this life-changing role, there’ll be a few initial considerations, as well as matters you’ll want to mull.
One consideration? Where you reside. You and the puppy in your care will need to call upon the Sylmar campus on occasion, and attendance at both monthly puppy group meetings and “puppy kindergarten classes” is required.
The Dec. 11 information session will address what you can expect from meetings and classes, as well as what at-home life will be like with the future guide dog you’re helping to raise.
Questions covered include the breeds and types of puppies that volunteers raise, what can be expected in terms of puppy proofing and such, what out-of-pocket expenses might look like, and how long the puppy will live in your home.
And, yes: “(W)hat happens when the dogs ‘go off to college’ to begin formal training” is also a central topic of the session, as well as how dogs are paired with their forever people once they’ve graduated.
The word straight from Sylmar? “We ALWAYS need puppy raisers,” says Stephanie Colman, the coordinator of the puppy program.
So even if you can’t join the December Zoom, you can plan to attend an in-person information session on the Guide Dogs of America campus, in early 2022.
Could this be your new year’s resolution?
Christopher Walken has loved the same woman for 59 years, they made a tough decision together

While Hollywood movies have given us so many love stories that are for the ages, most celebrity couples in real life are far from what we see on screen.
Divorce is not unheard of for most celebrities but there are of course, always exceptions to this rule. This is the story of legendary actor Christopher Walken and his wife Georgianne Walken, two people who have defied the odds.
Georgianne Walken was a casting director when she met Christopher Walken as they were working together. It was an instant connection that has lasted over half a century at this point.

The couple met in 1963 during a theatre tour of West Side Story. The two of them portrayed a couple for the production and slowly but surely fell for one another during the process. Georgianne recalls that she knew pretty soon that Christopher was the only man for her and the couple wed one another just a short six years after that.

“When [I] met him, [I] knew he had a future. He was good and was [going to] be better. It was a very compelling idea, and I had never met anybody like that in my life,” Georgianne said of their meeting.
She decided to get a stable job so Christopher could focus on acting without having to worry about money. Luckily, her job landed her in Hollywood once again, this time, however, she was behind the camera. She became a casting director and in this point of her career has about a 100 movies and shows under her belt. One of these shows include The Sopranos, which even led her to win an Emmy Award!

Christopher was also successful in his acting career. He has an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Deer Hunter and a BAFTA for his role in Catch Me If You Can.
“It’s very interesting being married to a man who is constantly playing a different person. You’re always living with a different person. He never tells me what part he’s playing when he’s getting ready. It just descends on me one day. Very interesting,” Georgianne has said about her husband.
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