Gordon Ramsay shares important message after potentially fatal accident

Gordon Ramsay is thankful to be alive, and he credits not only all the doctors, nurses, and staff at a Connecticut hospital who took care of him, but also the helmet which he says saved his life.
Over the Father’s Day weekend, the celebrity chef took to social media to share a scary story with his fans. Even a week after the accident, it still had Ramsay shaken up.

“This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in Connecticut,” he wrote. “I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato.”

Ramsay, who is an avid cycler, explained the importance of wearing a helmet no matter how “short the journey is” or the fact that helmets cost money because they’re “crucial.”
“I’m lucky to be standing here. I’m in pain. It’s been a brutal week, and I’m sort of getting through it,” Ramsay said as he lifted his shirt to reveal a massive bruise.The Hell’s Kitchen star also included before and after photos from his accident.

I’m so glad Gordon Ramsay is okay. Seeing his bruise and the aftermath of his helmet is an excellent reminder of the importance of making sure you always wear a helmet no matter what!

My Нusbаnd Yеllеd аt My Вirthdаy Раrty Тhаt I Wаs Тоо Оld tо Wаnt — My Friеnd Тооk Rеvеngе оn My Веhаlf

Yesterday was my fifty-seventh birthday, and I was excited to celebrate, but my husband, Mike, had other plans. Recently, he’s been mocking my age every chance he gets. During the party, he humiliated me in front of our friends, saying, “You’re too old to dance, Emma. You might break a hip.”

My best friend, Karen, couldn’t take it anymore and revealed a sh.ocking secret: “Mike here can’t perform without popping a little blue pill. And you know how I found out? Because he cheated on Emma with my friend, Linda.”

The room fell silent, and I confronted Mike. “I’m done with your cruelty and your lies. You want to make me feel old and undesirable? Well, here’s a newsflash: I feel more vibrant and alive without you dragging me down.”

I left the party with Karen, feeling liberated and strong. We went to my favorite restaurant, where Karen toasted, “To new beginnings and to never letting anyone dull our sparkle!”

As we celebrated, I noticed a charming man, Alex. Maybe this was the start of something new. From that day forward, I embraced my life and age with renewed vigor, ready to face whatever came next with resilience and strength.

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