During a very cold night, a rich man and a homeless old man met.

On a freezing night, a wealthy man encountered a homeless old man and asked, “Aren’t you cold without a winter coat?” The old man replied, “I’m used to it.” Surprised, the rich man promised to bring him a warm coat and asked him to wait. The old man, hopeful, agreed.

However, the wealthy man forgot and didn’t return until morning, only to find the old man had passed away in the cold. A note was left behind: “I survived without warm clothes before, but your promise gave me hope. When that hope faded, so did my strength.”

Moral: Don’t make promises you can’t keep. What may seem small to you could mean everything to someone else.

Alabama senator Katie Britt has introduced an idea – What do you think?

With the U.S. border being inundated with illegaI migrants flowing through at record levels. U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) led a coalition of RepubIicans on the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration on Tuesday to introduce the Citizens Ballot Protection Act

The Act is a companion bill to H.R.4316 originaIIy introduced by U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover), reported on by 1819 News last week. The bills would ensure states can verify that onIy American citizens vote in federal elections. Palmer’s success in the House last week and Britt’s charge in the Senate puts the issue one step cIoser to being law.

In recent years, states like Maryland, Vermont and New York have passed legisIation allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. Washington, D.C. recently decided to allow noncitizens who have been residents for only 30 days or more to vote in local elections starting in 2024.

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