Dad gets massively shamed for putting leashes on his 5-year-old quintuplets

Raising children these days can be a task on its own. Young parents don’t just have to hear opinions from family members but also have to put up with random strangers on the internet commenting on their parenting methods.

Jordan Driskell is a young father of five quintuplets. His quintuplets happen to be 5 years old. As you can imagine, looking after 5 children who are the same age can be quite taxing. Especially at 5-years-old when a child is curious and likes to explore.

31-year-old dad, Jordan Driskell decided to find a creative solution to his problem. He bought leashes meant for children to control his rambunctuous little kids when they are in public together.

In the past, Driskell had a 6-seat stroller that they used for their big family. However, that grew tiresome very quickly because the kids would be bothered when inside it. The stroller was also incredibly inconvenient to take anywhere.

This helps the little kids get to wander and explore their surroundings when the family goes out without their dad losing sight or control of them and hence keep them safe!

Driskell posted a video of the family’s outing to the acquarium that caused a lot of negative feedback directed towards the parents. The video of the kids on leashes went viral with over 3 million views. Hundreds of people commented about how the children were not animals and hence should not have been leashed.

Others commented, “If you can’t manage the pressure, don’t have so many kids.”

Other offered disdain masked as advice, “Can’t you just properly train your children?” Discuss to them why fleeing is risky.”

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, an expert in parenting and adolescent development had a different opinion. She does not think a leash will make your child think they are an animal. And if the alternative to a leash is to stay at home, then of course, the leash is a much better option!

Dr. Gilboa said a leash is a great tool for younger children or neuro-diverse children to be controlled in a public environment. However, she said that if a neurotypical child is not off a leash by the age of eight and nine, and hence has not developed their listening skills, that might be troublesome.

By then, parents should be able to effectively communicate with children verbally instead of relying on tools like leashes.

Parents should have the freedom to parent the way they want without facing unneccesary judgement from society.

What do you think of children on leashes in public? Let us know in the comments below. Share this article with friends and family to know what they think as well!

King Charles Reveals His First Official Portrait, and People Are Terrified

In a much-anticipated reveal, King Charles III’s first official portrait since becoming king has sparked widespread conversation. Public reactions and critics’ opinions are far from mild, igniting lively debates on social media and among art enthusiasts. It’s evident that King Charles’ portrait is poised to be one of the most discussed royal artworks in recent memory.

Revealing the artwork

Recently, King Charles III revealed a new portrait of himself at Buckingham Palace, marking the first since his coronation. The Royal Family’s Instagram account posted an exclusive video showing the king presenting the artwork.

This notable portrait will eventually be showcased at Drapers’ Hall in London, joining its esteemed art collection and providing the public with a chance to see the monarch’s regal image.

The comments section quickly became a hotbed of debate.

The unveiling ignited a heated debate in the comments on the Royal Family’s Instagram post and other social media platforms. Opinions were sharply divided, with some users harshly criticizing the portrait. Comments included, “I would be very upset and offended if this was my royal portrait. It looks like a floating head in a sea of red. This is awful. Horrendous.”

One person said, “This is terrifying. Red is ALWAYS a bad sign unless it’s roses. This looks like a blood bath,” while another added, “It looks like it’s on fire.”

Despite the negative feedback, there were also positive remarks such as, “I love the portrait. It’s beautiful.” These mixed reactions highlight the polarizing nature of the portrait and the strong emotions it has stirred among the public.

What it actually represents

Jonathan Yeo, a well-known artist renowned for his innovative style in painting people, has gained praise for his ability to merge classic techniques with new ideas in portraiture. Yeo’s method involves more than just painting what someone looks like; he delves deep into the personalities of his subjects to capture their true essence.

In his latest work portraying King Charles III, Yeo stayed true to this approach. He aimed to strip away any distractions in the painting, focusing solely on allowing viewers to connect with the person behind the royal title. By spending time with the king and understanding him on a personal level, Yeo was able to create a portrait that goes beyond surface appearances and reveals the human within.

In Yeo’s portrait of King Charles III, one striking detail is the presence of a butterflyThis butterfly isn’t just a random additionit holds deep symbolism and serves multiple purposes. Yeo explained that beyond representing the beauty of nature, the butterfly also highlights the environmental causes that the King has long supported, even before they became widely discussed.

Moreover, the butterfly adds visual interest to the portrait, breaking the uniformity and adding layers of meaning. In art history, butterflies often symbolize transformation and renewal, mirroring the King’s journey from Prince to monarch during the time the portrait was painted. This choice underscores the significant changes in King Charles’s life.

Yeo expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to create such an important portrait, “To try and capture that for His Majesty The King, who occupies such a unique role, was both a tremendous professional challenge and one which I thoroughly enjoyed and am immensely grateful for.

Explore King Charles III’s life in-depth with 8 Things About King Charles III That Will Help Us Understand Him Better. Delve beyond his royal image to uncover intriguing insights into his interests, personal stories, and distinctive characteristics.

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