A 23-Year-Old Woman Has 11 Babies Already and Wants to Have a Lot More

Imagine having not one but eleven babies asking for your attention at once. That is the life of Christina Ozturk, a 23-year-old woman, and she couldn’t be any happier. In fact, she is so in love with children, she is planning to have an even larger family.

Bright Side interviewed the young mother to share a glimpse of her life with our audience. In the end, you’ll find a sweet video of all the kids.

Teenage baby momma

When Christina was 17 years old, she had her first child, Victoria. She was a single mother, but her life changed when she met her now-husband while on vacation. According to her, he fell in love with her at first sight and asked her to marry him and have lots of kids.

The secret to having the largest family ever

Most of Christina’s children were born at the same time and are of the same age! Since it is impossible, to have so many kids at once, she and her husband turned to surrogacy to build themselves a large family quickly. Even if she didn’t give birth to all of them, she’s still their biological momma. The couple wishes to have dozens more babies, but they have not planned an exact number yet.

It takes a village to take care of the babies.

Her 56-year-old millionaire partner is a super dad who makes sure that everyone’s needs are met in the family. To help Christina take care of the kids in the best way, they’ve got nannies and several assistants.

A regular day for Christina

Christina tells us that she and her husband have divided the responsibilities between themselves. He takes care of work and she looks after the children. They go on walks, play board games, and watch movies with the kids regularly. They’ve reserved weekends for quality family time and regardless of the day, they make sure to have their meals together.

Bonus: Watch how the gang gets together for photoshoots.


If you had the time and money, would you like to have a large family too?

Preview photo credit batumi_mama / Instagram

Angelina Jolie Is “Unhappy” as Shiloh Chose to Move in to Brad Pitt’s Fancy Mansion

Recent reports have unveiled a significant development concerning Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, casting a spotlight on the intricate dynamics within the Jolie-Pitt family.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has reached a consequential decision: she will be departing from her maternal residence under the care of Angelina Jolie to relocate to her paternal abode, under the roof of Brad Pitt’s fancy mansion, until attaining the age of 18, as per the latest revelations.

However, the news has stirred emotional turbulence within Angelina. She is disheartened by Shiloh’s inclination towards residing with Brad, particularly in light of their tumultuous past. “Naturally, Angelina wasn’t happy,” a source told.

Although Shiloh’s siblings may not share her sentiment towards Brad, a profound connection exists between father and daughter, as relayed by a reliable source.

Angelina’s response to Shiloh’s decision is tinged with reluctance; she acknowledges Shiloh’s autonomy in decision-making as she transitions into adulthood, yet finds the adjustment challenging.

Shiloh’s choice does not stem from discontent with Angelina; rather, it signifies her readiness for change as she approaches adulthood. Despite the shift in living arrangements, Shiloh affirms her intention to maintain regular visits to Angelina and her siblings, thereby ensuring continued familial bonds.

In 2022, a report highlighted the profound bond between Shiloh and her father. Their shared interests foster a deep, affectionate relationship characterized by mutual understanding. Brad’s support for Shiloh’s aspirations is unwavering; he empowers her without imposing his own desires, creating a nurturing environment where Shiloh can freely pursue her dreams. This foundation of trust allows Shiloh to confide in her father with confidence, knowing she will be heard and understood.

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