I Fainted during a Family Gathering Because My Husband Won’t Help with Our Newborn to Let Me Sleep

My husband and I were meant to be a team when we welcomed our first child, but he turned on me. Recently, I experienced one of the most embarrassing and eye-opening moments of my life. Let me backtrack a bit. My husband, Jake, 29, and I welcomed our beautiful daughter, Tilly, three weeks ago.

Whenever I ask Tilly’s father for help, he says, “Let me relax; my paternity leave is so short.” I’ve struggled alone with sleepless nights, and things went too far last Saturday during a family gathering. As the party progressed, Jake was busy telling everyone, “I needed this paternity leave because I couldn’t imagine how much more exhausted I would have been working AND taking care of the baby.”

Exhausted, I fainted right there in the middle of the party. I awoke to concerned family members and Jake’s frown. He later exploded at home, annoyed that I embarrassed him, accusing me of making him “look bad!”

Just as I was about to leave for my mom’s place, my in-laws arrived with a professional nanny they had hired. “She’s here to help with the baby and to teach Jake about caring for her,” my MIL explained. They also insisted I go on a spa retreat for a week.

Overwhelmed by their kindness, I immediately agreed. The week was blissful and helped me recover. Back home, the changes were remarkable! The nanny had put Jake through a rigorous “baby boot camp.” He learned to change diapers, cook baby meals, soothe a crying baby, and manage a sleep schedule. Jake greeted me with a heartfelt apology, having sold his vintage guitars to pay for the nanny and my retreat, showing his commitment to our family.

5+ Astonishing Things That Make Curvy Women Absolutely Irresistible to Men

Men really like plus-size women, and they openly talk about why they like them on social media. It’s not only about their bodies, though. Curvy women can capture their hearts with their self-assurance, charm, and irresistible appeal. Their curves are just a bonus that makes them even more attractive.

1. Their hugs are truly amazing.

One thing that stands out is snuggling. Many men enjoy cuddling with their partners, and curvy girls have an advantage in this area. One man said, “I like bigger women for the same reason I like my body pillow more than my regular pillow.”

2. Positivity comes naturally to them.

Curvy girls are never boring to be around because of their positive, fun, and kind personalities, which are also quite interesting. They love to chat and keep the relationship lively. It’s these qualities that make them truly special.

3. Dining with a curvaceous woman brings much joy and pleasure.

A man explained, “Eating is one of life’s great pleasures. It’s one of the best things to do on a date. It’s one of the best relationship activities after you’re married.” He agrees that occasionally following a diet is essential for maintaining good health if it’s a priority for you. However, it shouldn’t become your main focus in life.

4. Their confidence is unmatched.

Men have noticed two important qualities in curvy women that they really like. The first quality is their ability to handle difficult situations. Through challenging experiences, they have developed confidence and learned to accept and appreciate themselves just as they are.

5. They are incredibly nurturing and compassionate.

In general, bigger women have exceptional nurturing qualities. Men see them as more caring and loving, always putting the needs of others first. Additionally, curvy women really enjoy spending quality time with their partners. They find joy in even the simplest things, like cooking together, playing, laughing, and having deep, meaningful conversations.

6. Their figures are adored by men everywhere.

Men are naturally attracted to women who have curvier bodies because they find their physical features appealing. They particularly like well-defined thighs and hips, which are the qualities they look for in a partner. They find the curvier features attractive and intriguing.

Women are gorgeous just like they are, with all their unique body shapes. They deserve to be loved for who they are beyond superficial judgments. In today’s world of social media, where beauty standards are forced upon us, it can negatively impact those who struggle with self-confidence. It’s crucial to remember that our differences are what truly make us beautiful.

Preview photo credit ashleygraham / Instagramashleygraham / Instagram

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