He Laid Dying, Stuck On Side Of Road But Soon His Past Would No Longer Haunt Him

Alex was ready to give up. He was severely malnourished, dehydrated, and exhausted, and maggots infested his wounds.He was on his deathbed. The worst part was that he was stuck in a remote location on the side of a road, with no way of escaping on his own.

He was stuck because he wore a collar with a long chain. To make matters worse, he was completely indistinguishable from the road. He had only a remote chance of being rescued in time.

But little did he know that his life was about to improve dramatically and that his past would no longer haunt him. A person named Alex (after whom the pup is named) noticed the fading pup while cleaning the area.

He immediately sought help from the Feed Friends Foundation, a local animal rescue. They agreed to take him in and found him a wonderful foster home in Alle Hadoc to care for him while he recovered physically and mentally.

His road to recovery would be long and difficult, but neither Alex nor his supporters would give up. He met new dogs and kitties at his foster home who showed him the ropes and helped him along the way. Alex was a wonderful dog who adored every animal he encountered.

Alex began to heal from the inside out as time passed. The wound on his body and the one on his heart both healed. He found a loving forever home after fully healing and is currently enjoying his second shot at life!

Watch his rescue and makeover in the video below:

Man Warns Others After Startling Light Bulb Discovery

House fires have always been one of my biggest fears. Although I’ve never experienced one personally, I constantly triple-check the stove, candles, and dryer vent for lint. However, a recent Facebook post by Kentucky resident Jason Whitaker revealed a fire hazard I never considered.

Jason shared that he kept smelling something like an electrical fire and almost tore his house apart trying to find the source. Eventually, he discovered that the smell was coming from a fluorescent spiral light bulb. Inside the bulb’s spiral coils were ladybugs, attracted to the light and heat, accumulating to a point where they nearly ignited.

“Inside the spiral coils of the light bulb was nothing but ladybugs,” Jason explained. His photos showed the potential danger, with the accumulation of ladybugs coming close to igniting due to the bulb’s heat.

If you use fluorescent spiral light bulbs in your light fixtures or lamps, be sure to check them regularly for critters trying to get warm inside. Jason’s experience highlights a simple check that could prevent a house fire.

“I found it important to share Jason’s post with you all,” he added, “as this is a potential fire hazard I would have never known about.”

Regular inspection of these light bulbs can help you avoid a dangerous situation and keep your home safe from unexpected fire hazards.

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