To hide his affair, Herman inflicts emotional distress upon his stepson. When his jilted wife, the boy’s mother, learns the truth, she calmly delivers justice.
The soft melodies of Billie Holiday filled the room, the sultry voice surrounding the entangled figures on the white sofa. Herman, in his thirties, and Jezebel, his mistress, shared stolen moments in the dimly lit living room.
“This is so naughty of us!” Jezebel whispered. “What if your wife comes home early?”
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“My wife hasn’t come home early in at least a year! We have the whole morning,” Herman insisted.
“The whole morning!” Jezebel echoed. “Well, in that case, best we make the most of it, Mr. Loverman. Kiss me like you mean it.”
“That’s not all I’m going to do; just wait,” Herman replied, tossing his sweater aside.
They lost themselves in the moment, but a creaking door interrupted them. Panic gripped the pair; Herman’s wife wasn’t supposed to be back for hours.
“Who is it?” Jezebel whispered.
“It can’t be my wife,” Herman pleaded. “She told me she was working late. Quick, get—”
The front door slammed shut, and Herman faced the music.
A young voice broke the tension. “Herman? Are you here?” Herman’s son, Jake, entered, backpack slung over his shoulders.
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“What are you doing home, Jake?” Herman asked angrily.
“They made us go home early because of a scare,” Jake explained. “They thought there was someone with a gun in the school. Herman, who is this lady?” Jake asked, looking at Jezebel.
Herman denied Jezebel’s presence. “Jake, you must be seeing things.”
“But I see a lady right there,” Jake insisted.
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Herman concocted a lie about Jake’s shock from the school scare.
“Close your eyes and count to ten. If you can’t see the ghost, it can’t see you. And you see, it’ll disappear if you do that.”
Jezebel disappeared into the bedroom as Jake obediently counted. When he opened his eyes, the woman was gone.
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“I made her disappear?” Jake exclaimed.
“You got rid of the ghost. You’re a brave young man,” Herman assured.
After coaxing Jake to keep the encounter a secret, Herman allowed him unlimited screen time.
After Jake left, Jezebel re-entered the room, disapproving of Herman’s actions. “What was that? You lied to your son?”
“Stepson,” Herman corrected. “What did you expect? Tell him about us? Admit to our affair? I’ll do whatever it takes to keep us together.”
Jezebel sighed. “Okay, cool,” she said.
“That was close, though,” Herman said. “We’ll get back to what we were doing another time!”
“Yeah,” she agreed, kissing him goodbye. “See you later, Loverman,” she added seductively.
Herman’s wife, Grace, returned home after sunset. Tension enveloped the dinner table as they sat down to eat. Jake seized the opportunity to share his peculiar day.
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“Mom,” he began, “we left school early today because they thought there was someone with a g un inside.”
“What…what happened?” Grace gasped.
“It was a false alarm. Everything’s fine, right, Jake?” Herman interjected.
“I’m fine,” Jake said. “But when I came home, I saw a ghost.”
“A ghost?” Grace asked, concerned.
“It’s just his imagination,” Herman intervened, concealing his panic. “Post-traumatic stress from the school scare.”
Ignoring Herman, Grace focused on Jake. “What did the ghost look like?”
“She was a lady with big, frizzy hair,” Jake explained.
“She?” Grace repeated, looking at Herman.
For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook
Herman laughed nervously. “He must be in shock. Go watch cartoons,” he told Jake.
After Jake left, Herman leaned in, trying to placate Grace. The tension lingered.
“I’ll call the school and get Jake an appointment with the psychologist,” Grace said. “Now that you’re not working, you can take him to the appointment.”
Herman almost yelled, “I’m trying to find a job!”
“I know. But..Maybe spend less time at that Moe’s Diner you visit often and help more with Jake,” Grace suggested stiffly.
Herman didn’t say much, promising to help her with her son.
After dinner, Grace decided to talk to Jake. “Talk to the counselor at school. It might help you understand what’s going on, honey, alright?”
“Okay, Mom,” Jake said sweetly and wished Herman and Grace good night.
Herman’s heart sank in regret, realizing his secret tryst with Jezebel was unraveling. He had hoped to manage the affair, but it was proving more complicated than expected.
As they sat in the living room, Grace’s eyes locked with Herman’s. “It’s for the best that we’re taking him to a doctor. My boy’s well-being is at stake.”
They argued, and Herman again said it wasn’t needed, but Grace’s determination prevailed. “I’ll make an appointment with the psychologist for Jake! And I’m taking him there myself!”
In Dr. Warren’s child-friendly office, Jake’s anxiety was palpable. His tiny hands gripped the chair he sat in.
Dr. Warren greeted him warmly. “Let’s talk about what happened, Jake.”
Jake hesitated, recalling the frightening incident that brought him here and Herman’s trick with ghosts. “Herman said if I close my eyes, the ghost would disappear.”
Dr. Warren turned to Grace. “What trick did Herman show you? What ghosts?”
Grace explained Herman’s role in their lives — that he was her second husband — and Jake continued, “Herman said when I close my eyes, the ghost can’t see me, so it goes away.”
Dr. Warren addressed Jake gently. “Closing your eyes won’t make dangerous things go away. It’s important to talk to someone you trust.”
Jake nodded, sharing his fear of the ghost breaking up his family. “I saw a Iady. I am scared that lady will make Herman leave Mom.”
Dr. Warren looked at Grace. “I’m going to recommend regular visits to help Jake understand these feelings better. Jake,” he added, turning to the boy, “can you please excuse us? Your mom will be out in just a minute. I want to make an appointment for your next visit with her.”
Jake nodded and left the room.
“I divorced Jake’s father because he was unfaithful. He had an affair,” Grace told Dr. Warren.
The man nodded. “I think what’s happening with Jake is a classic case of Kleinian Projective Identification,” he said.
“Is it serious? What…what can we do?” Grace asked, concerned for her little boy.
“Don’t worry,” Dr. Warren reassured her. “It’s just a theory in child psychology based on Melanie Klein’s work. Projective identification involves a child projecting feelings onto another or the world outside, often with the intent of making the other person experience what the projector is feeling, causing delusional behavior, like Jake’s. We can deal with this.”
“I just want what’s best for Jake,” Grace said worriedly. “If you think you can help him, then we’ll do whatever it takes.”
“I’d like to work with Jake,” Dr. Warren continued. “He might need counseIing and medication. I’m here to support both of you.”
Grace briefed Herman on Dr. Warren’s diagnosis over dinner. “What did he call it?” Herman asked.
“Something about projecting fears onto the externaI world,” Grace said.
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“Is it a real issue?” Herman inquired.
“Yes, according to Dr. Warren. Jake might need medication,” Grace replied.
Herman Iowered his head and concentrated on eating his food. “Is something wrong?” Grace asked him.
“Uh, no, no, nothing wrong,” Herman said unconvincingly. “Just thinking.”
“I’m taking the afternoon off tomorrow and taking Jake out for lunch. I think it will be good if he and I spend some time together. Maybe he will open up about what’s troubling him.”
“Okay,” Herman agreed nervously.
At Moe’s Diner, Grace and Jake discussed the menu. Suddenly, Jake closed his eyes, claiming to see the ghost from their living room.
“The ghost? Are you sure, honey?” Grace asked, worried and concerned.
Jake pointed to the frizzy-haired waitress, Jezebel. Grace approached her, inquiring about any unusual experiences at the restaurant. But Jezebel denied any ghostly occurrences.
Grace, suspicious, pressed on, “It’s just that sometimes kids pick up on things, you know? Strange vibes or unusual occurrences. It would put my mind at ease to know if there’s anything unusual about this place. For my son’s sake.”
Jezebel dismissed Grace’s doubts, claiming that Jake had an overactive imagination. Grace thanked her and returned to the table.
But the woman sensed something off about Jezebel. Pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that the truth was within reach.
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When Jezebel dropped the food, Grace said nothing. Jake closed his eyes and began counting again.
“It’s okay now, Jake, she’s gone,” Grace assured. Jake opened his eyes, focusing on his ice cream.
Grace had an idea. “Jake, should we call Herman and ask him to join us for lunch?”
Jake nodded unenthusiastically.
Grace smiled, pleased. “But my phone’s dead. I’ll ask the waitress if I can use hers.”
Approaching Jezebel, Grace said, “My phone’s almost flat. Can I use yours to make a quick call to my office?”
Jezebel handed her phone reluctantly. “No problem. Go right ahead,” she said.
Grace dialed Herman’s number and got the shock of her life when the caller ID on Jezebel’s phone revealed “Loverman.” Shocked, Grace hung up quickly and returned to the table. But now the truth was out.
With a weak smile, she encouraged Jake to finish his food soon.
After arranging a playdate for Jake, Grace returned home. Settling on the sofa, she reached for her phone, dialing Dr. Warren.
“It’s Grace. I need your guidance and support.”
Grace recounted the events, revealing her plan to remove Herman’s belongings. Dr. Warren supported her decision.
Soon, the removal men arrived, packing up Herman’s things.
When Herman arrived, he was shocked. “Grace, what’s going on? What are these men doing with our things?” he asked, baffled.
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Grace imitated the charade Herman had once played with their son, a mocking smile on her lips.
“Herman, what men? I don’t see any men. You must be seeing ghosts. Oh, and to be clear, those are not our things; they are your things.”
Herman’s face paled. The tables had turned.
His voice quivered, “Grace, you must believe me. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I—”
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Grace cut him off, her voice firm and unwavering. “Herman, there is no room for excuses. The time for lies and infidelity is over. You know what you are to me now? A ghost!”
Herman’s eyes twisted up with regret, but Grace’s resolve held. She explained that all of his personal items were being moved to a storage facility, signaling the end of their shared life together.
“I’ve also been in consultation with Dr. Warren, and we’ve initiated criminal charges for emotional abuse. The police will be here shortly.”
Soon, two officers arrived, their badges glinting. They informed Herman of his rights and took him away; justice was served.
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Grace, feeling vindicated, turned to the door, closed her eyes, and counted to ten – her way of making Herman’s ghost disappear.
Opening her eyes, she saw Jake, who ran to her and embraced her.
Grace held him close. The road ahead was uncertain, but they were united, and they would face whatever challenges that lay ahead with courage and love.
My Sassy Stepmom and Her 4 Adult Kids Wore All White to My Dad’s Funeral – Everyone Gasped When She Took Out a Letter

I expected my father’s funeral to be a day of quiet mourning, a time to honor the man who had held our family together. What I didn’t expect was my stepmom turning it into her personal drama — until a letter from my dad revealed secrets that left her and her kids humiliated in front of everyone.
The day of my dad’s funeral was already one of the hardest days of my life. I’d barely managed to keep myself from breaking down that morning, knowing I was about to say goodbye to the man who had held our family together.

Emotional woman at her dad’s funeral | Source: Midjourney
He’d been sick for a long time, and while we all saw this day coming, nothing prepared me for the suffocating weight of it when it finally arrived.
And then they showed up.
Vivian, my stepmom, waltzed in like she was on a runway, her four adult kids trailing behind her, all dressed in white. Stark, glaring white — like they’d gotten lost on the way to a fancy yacht party.
Everyone else was draped in black, heads bowed, grieving. But not them. No, they strutted in like they were attending some exclusive event, turning heads for all the wrong reasons.

Senior woman and her children wearing white at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My chest tightened with anger as I pushed through the crowd and made a beeline for her.
“Vivian,” I snapped, my voice low but sharp enough to cut through the soft murmurs around us, “what the hell are you doing? Why are you dressed like—” I gestured wildly at her flowing white dress and her kids’ matching outfits, “—like this at my dad’s funeral?”
She didn’t even flinch. Instead, she gave me this lazy, condescending smile that only made my blood boil more.

Senior woman and young lady talking at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
“Oh, sweetheart,” she said, dragging out the words like I was a child throwing a tantrum. “Don’t get all worked up. Your father wanted this.”
“Wanted this?” I repeated, my voice rising despite my best efforts to stay calm. “There’s no way Dad would’ve—”
She cut me off, reaching into her designer handbag and pulling out a neatly folded envelope. “He wrote me a letter,” she said, holding it out as if it explained everything. “Told me, ‘Vivian, you and the kids are to wear white. It’s my last wish.’”

Senior woman holding an envelope | Source: Midjourney
I stared at the letter in her hand, feeling the eyes of everyone around us. Whispers were already starting to spread through the crowd.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “There’s no way he—”
“He did, darling,” she interrupted with a sigh, her eyes gleaming as though she was enjoying the scene. “He told me it was going to be something special. You should be grateful we’re honoring his wishes.”
I could hear people gasping behind me, the tension in the room rising with every passing second.
“Are you serious?” I demanded, my voice trembling now. “You really expect me to believe Dad wanted this — to turn his funeral into some… spectacle?”

Senior woman and young lady talking at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
Vivian shrugged, tucking the letter back into her bag. “Believe whatever you want,” she said coolly, “but we’re just following his final instructions. It’s what he wanted.”
I could feel my hands shaking, the rage bubbling up inside me, but before I could say another word, she turned to her kids and said, “Come on, let’s go take our seats. We don’t want to be late.”
I stood there, speechless, as they sauntered toward the front row, leaving me to simmer in a storm of confusion and fury.

Sad young lady at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
The ceremony began, and sure enough, she and her kids took their place in the front row, dressed like they were VIPs at some fancy gala. They soaked in the attention, their white clothes practically glowing against the backdrop of mourners in black.
Just when I thought I couldn’t handle their arrogance anymore, Joe, my dad’s best friend, stepped up to the front. His face was tight with emotion, eyes heavy with grief, but there was something else there too — a tension that made my stomach twist.

Senior man giving a speech at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
He cleared his throat, the room going completely silent as everyone turned their gaze toward him. In his hand, he held a letter.
“Vivian,” he said, his voice firm but calm. He gestured for her to stand, and I could see the tiniest hint of a smirk play on her lips. She rose slowly, her chin lifted like she was about to accept an award. Her kids followed, standing beside her with smug looks of their own.
“This letter…” Joe began, his voice wavering just slightly, “was written by your husband.”
Joe’s voice was steady as he began to read from the letter, and the entire room seemed to hold its breath.

Senior man reading a letter at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
“To my dearest friends and family,” Joe read, his voice thick with emotion. “I want to thank you all for being here today, for honoring my memory. There’s something I need to address, something that’s been weighing on my heart.”
I glanced at Vivian. Her expression, once smug and superior, began to shift. A flicker of unease crept into her eyes as she straightened, her gaze darting nervously around the room.

Senior woman wearing a white dress at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
Joe continued, “I couldn’t help but notice that during my illness, my ex-wife, Martha, was the one who took care of me. She was there when I needed someone the most, while Vivian and her kids were always absent — unless, of course, they needed something from me.”
Vivian’s face drained of color. She stood rigidly, frozen as if willing herself to disappear.
Her kids, who had been sitting confidently, were now nervous, their eyes wide with fear.

Young adults wearing white at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
Murmurs rippled through the crowd like a wave, and I could see people exchanging shocked glances.
“That’s not true!” Vivian suddenly hissed under her breath, but her voice cracked, betraying her fear.
Joe barely paused. “It became clear to me that my new family was more interested in what I could provide than in who I was. And then,” he glanced pointedly at Vivian, “I found out, through my financial adviser, that money had been disappearing from my accounts. We investigated and discovered that Vivian and her children were behind it.”

Senior man reading a letter at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
A collective gasp filled the room. It felt like the walls themselves shuddered with the sound. Vivian’s kids, who had been sitting so confidently, now looked as pale as ghosts, as the eyes of every guest bore down on them.
Vivian’s face contorted in anger, her mask of calm shattering completely. “This is a lie!” she yelled, her voice trembling with fury. “A complete fabrication! You can’t believe this garbage!”
Her hands clenched into fists as she looked wildly around the room as if searching for someone to step in and defend her.
But no one spoke. The silence was deafening.
Joe’s gaze didn’t waver. He raised the letter again and continued, his voice unwavering.

Senior man reading a letter at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
“I knew they would come to my funeral, expecting to play the role of the grieving family. So, I asked them to wear white. I wanted them to stand out, so everyone could see them for what they are.”
Vivian gasped, her eyes wide with disbelief. “You bastard,” she spat, her voice shaking with venomous rage. “You think you can humiliate me in front of everyone like this? You’ll regret this! You all will!”
But Joe didn’t stop. His voice rang out loud and clear, cutting through her rage like a blade. “Vivian, you and your children are no longer welcome here. This is a place for those who loved me for who I was, not for what I could give them. Please leave, and let my true family and friends mourn in peace.”

Senior man reading a letter at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
The silence was suffocating. Every eye in the room was fixed on Vivian and her kids, waiting for their next move. Her face was a chaotic swirl of emotions — shock, rage, humiliation. For a split second, it seemed like she might explode, her eyes wild with fury.
But then, she glanced around and saw the faces of the guests — cold, unforgiving glares. The weight of judgment pressed down on her, and whatever fight she had left in her fizzled out.

Crowd at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
Her kids, once so full of smug confidence, shrank under the scrutiny, their eyes fixed on the floor as if they could disappear into it.
Vivian huffed loudly, her lips curling in disgust. “Fine! This whole thing is a farce anyway,” she spat, yanking her purse from the chair. Her voice dripped with venom, but everyone could see she was cornered. Defeated. “Come on,” she snapped at her kids, her voice sharp as broken glass.
Vivian stormed toward the exit, her heels clicking against the floor with a fury that couldn’t hide her humiliation.
She was finished, and she knew it.

Senior woman walking out of a funeral | Source: Midjourney
The door slammed shut behind them, leaving a thick silence in their wake. No one moved for a long moment, as if the room was exhaling after the storm.
Joe calmly folded the letter, his eyes scanning the room with a somber expression. “Now,” he said, his voice steady, “let’s continue with remembering the man who truly deserves to be honored today.”

Senior man giving a speech at a funeral | Source: Midjourney
And so we did. The ceremony went on peacefully, a celebration of my dad’s life surrounded by the people who had loved him for who he was. We laughed, we cried, and we shared stories that captured the essence of the man who had brought us all together.
As for Vivian? She got exactly what she deserved — an exit cloaked in shame and disgrace. My dad, even in death, had the last laugh. He had exposed them, stripped away their pretenses, and made sure the truth came out in the end.

Close-up shot of a casket | Source: Midjourney
My dad may have been gone, but his wisdom — his sense of justice — was alive and well. And as I listened to Joe recount a funny story about my dad, one thing was clear.
“Dad always knew how to pick his moments,” I whispered.

Younng lady at her father’s funeral | Source: Midjourney
If you liked this story, here’s another one that will grab your attention: My stepmom made me sleep in a shed and gave my room to her kids — my mom immediately brought her back down to Earth.
This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.
The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.
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