Watch What Whoopi Said To Liz Cheney During A Recent Episode Of ‘The View’

Liz Cheney, the daughter of Dick Cheney and one of the most anti-Trump members of the GOP, lost her seat in Wyoming to Harriet Hageman but now is being encouraged by far-Ieft Whoopi Goldberg to run for the presidency in 2024.

Such is what Whoopi said during a recent episode of “The View” on which Liz Cheney appeared. During the episode, Whoopi clutched her pearls and claimed that Trump wants to be a dictator for life while begging Liz Cheney to run as a third party to sink Trump’s presidentiaI bid and save America from that supposed dictatorship.

Beginning, Whoopi, a constant voice of the left, pretended to care about the survival of the GOP and asked Cheney if she would consider running as a third party in 2024 to sink Trump’s presidential bid. She said, Do you see yourself, and I, and would you ever consider being the conduit to that third party? Because I don’t know if the Republican Party as we as we knew it, will survive this.

Whoopi Wants Liz Cheney to Run in 2024

Continuing, Whoopi then expounded on her fears of Trump and what he will do if eIected, saying that she fears that Trump will try to be a “dictator for life” if he wins.

She said, Because if he ever gets in again, we’ll never have any more elections, there will be no more. He will stop it. And he’s very cIear about he wants to be dictator for life.

Whoopi then repeated her main question, again asking Cheney if she would consider stepping into a third-party role to try to stop Trump in 2024. She asked, Okay, so I wonder, would you ever consider, pIease would you consider being that person?

Next, Whoopi returned to expounding on a tangentially related subject, ranting about people who pretended they would back Cheney and then ditched her and sided with Trump instead.

She said, Because I gotta tell you, it. I was really, I don’t understand how people can say, ‘we’re with you. We’re with you. We’re with you.’ And then when you need them, they go, Oh, but we’re with him. Now. I don’t understand that.

ConcIuding, she said, “And I don’t understand how you find the grace not to be pissed at folks. Oh, I’m not, you know. You’re mad at him, but you’re not pissed at him.

Because if you were pissed at him, you would have given up on him and you have out well, and so would you. Cheney, for her part, responded to Whoopi’s plea by saying, I think honestly, Whoopi, that there are millions of Americans — I think the majority of Americans agree with what you just said in terms of the need for us to be able to say, you know, let’s have the debates about policy and substance, but we love our country more than our political party, and going forward, we have to be able to come together.

My Stepmother Wore My Late Mom’s Necklace at Her Wedding without My Permission – I Was Enraged & Taught Her a Lesson

When my stepmother stole my late Mom’s necklace and wore it at her wedding without my consent, I was shattered. Furious, I did something that left everyone gasping.

I’m Olive, 23. This isn’t a sob story, but it’s about a necklace. My late Mom’s necklace, the only thing left of her. I lost her to cancer when I was 19. She was my rock, my confidante, my everything.

Dad introduced his new fiancée, Magdalene, who immediately coveted Mom’s necklace. “Olive, honey,” Dad started, “Magdalene really admires your mother’s necklace. She says it would look perfect with her wedding dress.” I was furious. “Dad, that necklace is everything to me. It’s Mom’s.” But he insisted, and I had to hide it.

On their wedding day, I stayed home and checked on the necklace, only to find it gone. I knew who had taken it. I called Magdalene. “You took it,” I accused her. “How dare you take my Mom’s necklace without my permission?” She brushed me off, saying she’d return it after the honeymoon.

I called the cops. At the wedding, they retrieved the necklace from Magdalene, causing chaos. Dad and Magdalene were furious. “You ruined our wedding!” she screamed. Dad added, “That was petty and crazy, Olive. You humiliated us!”

Heartbroken but resolute, I moved out, taking Mom’s memories and her necklace with me. Though the pain lingered, I emerged stronger, holding on to the love and memories of my Mom.

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