Mom Proudly Breastfeeds in Public and Claps Back at Critics

Mothers can nourish their newborns naturally and beautifully by breastfeeding. In addition to giving vital nutrients, it fosters a solid emotional tie between a mother and her kid. Unfortunately, breastfeeding in public has become a contentious issue, upsetting or even unsettling some people.

One mother, Trinati, made the decision to speak out and posted an impactful photo of herself nursing her child inside a Costco. After becoming viral, the public reacted to this photo with love and condemnation.

Instagram user Trinati, who has over 7,000 followers, shared the image in 2017 to highlight the extent moms will go to in order to make sure their kids are taken care of, no matter what. She clarified that she wants to normalize nursing in public and that she never hesitates to do so. She’ll have to put up with odd looks and awkward laughs, but she’s determined to support her child wherever they go.

Even Trinati’s family members have been known to tease her about her protracted breastfeeding journey, despite the criticism she faces from outsiders. She is determined to breastfeed her infant for as long as she needs, though, and she is unconcerned. Trinati rejects the notion that nursing in public is improper or sexual and tries to eradicate the stigma associated with it. She humorously notes that her breasts are more like udders than anything else, so they’re definitely not objects of desire.

Trinati is certain that her child’s needs come before any attempts to make her feel ashamed. She becomes a part of the community of moms who, by sharing their own heroic breastfeeding stories, challenge social standards and offer encouragement to one another.

There are several advantages to breastfeeding for both mother and child. The CDC states that it can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, ovarian and breast cancer, among other diseases. Numerous celebrities have also shown support for nursing mothers, including as Chrissy Teigen, Olivia Munn, Ronda Rousey, and Vanessa Morgan.

For mothers everywhere, the debate about breastfeeding in public is draining. Without condemnation or criticism, they need to be able to feed their kids in the way that suits them the best. It’s time to honor and promote the lovely act of nursing, as well as to stand with mothers like Trinati who take great pride in providing their kids with comfort and nourishment.

There’s One Method of Healing Trauma That Prince Harry Uses, and Here’s How to Practice It

Prince Harry recently opened up about his journey with post-traumatic stress disorder following the loss of his mother, Princess Diana. In a candid discussion, he revealed his exploration of a groundbreaking therapy that helped him.

The therapy is called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) to address the debilitating effects of his anxiety attacks. This revelation offers a glimpse into the royal’s personal struggles and his proactive approach towards mental health care, shedding light on the significance of seeking innovative treatments of traumas.

In a video, Prince Harry can be seen undergoing EMDR therapy, where he taps his shoulders and moves his eyes rapidly. This therapy is relatively new and is used to treat PTSD. Prince Harry shared that he decided to try EMDR to deal with severe anxiety attacks he was experiencing.

Prince Harry mentioned that he was open to trying EMDR because of the therapy and work he had done over the years.

During a therapy session with UK-based psychotherapist Sanja Oakley, Prince Harry demonstrated how EMDR helped him feel better about returning home. He described feeling scared and helpless before, but the therapy helped him cope with those feelings.

Prince Harry’s openness about his experience with EMDR therapy sheds light on alternative treatments for post-traumatic disorder and mental health struggles. It shows that seeking help and trying different therapies can make a difference in managing mental health conditions.

EMDR is a therapy made in 1987 to help with emotional traumas. It’s a structured therapy where you think about a tough memory while moving your eyes back and forth. This helps lessen the strong feelings tied to the memory.

EMDR works on a theory called Adaptive Information Processing (AIP). It says that trauma sticks around because it hasn’t been dealt with properly. So, when something reminds you of the trauma, those memories can come back strongly.

Unlike other therapies that try to lessen your reaction to trauma, EMDR tries to change how your brain stores those tough memories. Sometimes, instead of eye movements, you might listen to alternating tones. Usually, EMDR happens once or twice a week for about six to 12 sessions. But it can vary depending on the person.

Benefits of EMDR therapy

  • EMDR is a structured therapy and usually needs fewer sessions than ongoing therapies.
  • You don’t have to keep going back to the tough memory for a long time.
  • You don’t have to talk a lot about what happened to you.
  • There’s no homework to do.
  • EMDR doesn’t try to change your thoughts and beliefs.

Disadvantages of EMDR therapy

  • While EMDR is known to help with PTSD, it hasn’t been studied as much for other mood or mental health problems.
  • If you’re avoiding talking about a tough event, EMDR might not be the best choice. Other types of talk therapy might work better.
  • EMDR can sometimes make you feel worse at the start of treatment. The person who created EMDR warns that this could be dangerous for people who have gone through really tough things.

The process of EMDR

EMDR is a structured process with eight phases, each aimed at helping you deal with traumatic memories:

  1. History taking: Discuss your past with the therapist to identify which memories to focus on.
  2. Preparation: Learn about EMDR and how the therapist will use bilateral stimulation.
  3. Assessment: Identify your negative and positive beliefs related to the trauma.
  4. Desensitization: Use bilateral stimulation while recalling the memory.
  5. Installation: Focus on positive beliefs while processing the memory.
  6. Body scan: Talk about how you feel emotionally and physically.
  7. Closure: Prepare for what may happen between sessions.
  8. Reevaluation: Assess your progress and decide if more sessions are needed.

As you go through EMDR, you may start feeling less overwhelmed by the trauma. It’s normal for other painful memories to surface, indicating that suppressed memories are being processed.

When grappling with deep emotional traumas, it’s crucial to seek out specialists who can provide the appropriate form of treatment tailored to your needs. Whether it’s EMDR therapy or other therapeutic approaches, finding the right professional can make a significant difference in your healing journey.

Preview photo credit Good Morning America / YouTube

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