Goldie Hawn, 78, vacation pictures in swimsuit spark comments

For celebrities, to be photographed is a pretty normal occurrence. And for someone like Goldie Hawn, it is very much the same. Hawn, who has been in the limelight since 1969 when she appeared in Cactus Flower is no stranger to public scrutiny.

The actress only got more famous as time went on. She then went on to marry Gus Trikonis and then later Bill Hudson. Both men also worked in entertainment.

Later, Goldie Hawn’s children also followed in her footsteps and became actors. So you will not be surprised to know that she is very used to being photographed any time she is out and about.

Keep reading to know more about what picture of Goldie Hawn had tongues wagging this time.

78-year-old Goldie Hawn was pictured by paparazzi on vacation in her swimsuit and the picture caused a lot of reactions from people who saw it. Many internet users had strong opinions about her appearance.

The actress, who has been with actor Kurt Russell since 1983. The two share one child together, and Russell also helped raise Goldie’s two children from her previous marriage, Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson.

One user simply criticized the actress’ lack of tan, writing, “I love her but I hate the color and style of this swim suit I believe a little tanning cream just saying.”

Goldie Hawn poses for a camera.

Some criticized her choice of swimwear, with one user writing, “There comes a time when you should not wear some suits or shorts anymore”

While another appreciated the actress and how well she looked for 78 years old, they wrote, “This is an amazing photo! I hope like HELL when im 78 i can stroll the beach in a bathing suit and a tiny cover and not gaf what anyone else thinks! 😊 i think shes beautiful!”

Others were more frustrated with the negative comments, “My God people, leave her alone. She looks great for her age. End of story!”

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell pose on red carpet.

The actress herself, has no qualms about getting older.

She said, “Getting older is a fact of life. By living mindfully, you understand that there are many transitions in life, [and] you just have to go through them,” the star told People. “It’s wonderful to know that you’re aging because that means you’re still on the planet, right?”

But she is very aware of the age bias that exists in the industry and among its fans

“You think you’re going to fight the system? You think you’re going to prove to Hollywood when you hit 45 that you’re still a sexy, viable object? No. There’s a certain reality,” Hawn told Bazaar. “Does it make me angry? No. I’m not an angry person. I’m not a militant person. Anger doesn’t get you anywhere. It’s not productive.”

Even with the negative comments she sometimes faces, it is good to know that she is able to look beyond it. What do you think of Goldie’s swimsuit? Let us know in the comments.

Neighbor Wouldn’t Turn Off His Bright Floodlights at Night, I Deftly Managed the Situation and Maintained Harmony

When my neighbor wouldn’t turn off his bright floodlights at night, my husband and I needed a clever solution to keep the peace.

When the Thompsons moved in next door, they seemed friendly. My wife, Gia, and Susan, the neighbor, quickly bonded while chatting over unpacked boxes. We thought we finally had some neighbors our age to socialize with. Mark, the husband, was often away for work, while Susan stayed home and had a long list of phobias, including fear of the dark, thunderstorms, snakes, clowns, and spiders.

As time passed, Susan’s fear of the dark created an issue that affected Gia and me. Their floodlights, installed soon after they moved in, were excessively bright, like those outside prisons. Gia joked that they could probably be seen from space.

Despite our attempts to address the issue, Susan insisted she needed the lights on for safety when Mark was away. We tried thick curtains and rearranging our bedroom, but nothing helped. After a week of sleepless nights, I approached Susan, asking her to turn off the floodlights after midnight, as they shined directly into our bedroom. She explained her need for safety and refused my suggestion to install a timer.

After several attempts to reason with her and Mark, who felt similarly protective of Susan, we continued to lose sleep. Frustrated, I considered drastic measures, like unscrewing the bulbs or using a pellet gun, but Gia reminded me to stay calm. Instead, she suggested a harmless plan while she and Susan went out for nails.

The next day, I climbed a ladder and slightly unscrewed each bulb to disrupt the connection. That night, when Susan turned on the lights, they flickered and went out. Gia and I finally enjoyed peaceful sleep. Surprisingly, days turned into weeks, and the lights stayed off.

However, one day, I saw Mark fixing the bulbs again. The floodlights blazed back to life that night, and I knew I had to repeat my trick. This cycle continued for months—every time Mark tightened the bulbs, I loosened them.

Then one Saturday, as I trimmed the hedges, Mark approached me. He mentioned his floodlights kept going out, and I managed to keep a straight face while agreeing it might be due to vibrations from the street. I suggested he could leave them off, and he seemed to consider it. After that conversation, Gia and I enjoyed our peaceful, dark evenings once again.

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