People who have this line on their hand are very special.

Palmistry, practiced in China and India over 5,000 years ago, is a technique that predicts the future by reading the lines on the hand. Among these lines, one is said to bring luck to those who have it.

The Main Lines: The hand has three main lines: the heart line, the head line, and the life line. These lines change over time, reflecting a person’s personality, experiences, and attitudes.

The Life Line: “The life line is a representation of life and its main events.” It starts between the thumb and index finger and runs around the thumb. A long, clear life line indicates stability, while an interrupted one suggests major life events or risks.

The Heart Line: “If it is long, straight, and well-defined…you are going to (or are already living) a beautiful and long love story.” A short heart line may suggest selfishness, while an interrupted one warns of heartbreak or a health issue.

The Head Line: This line reflects mental and intellectual abilities. “Straight…the mind is rather Cartesian,” while a sinuous line suggests intuitive thinking.

The Luck Line (Angel Line): Unlike the others, this rare line starts at the wrist and runs to the middle finger. It’s often tied to professional success and social achievements. “Many believe that people who have this line are very lucky,” as it’s believed to signify a guardian angel watching over them.

Her photo wearing a bikini on the beach is being shared but thousands and when the camera zooms out we understand why

What was supposed to be a day filled with fun and joy turned into a tragic incident for the grad-student at The University of Georgia, Aimee Copeland.

That day in 2012, she and her friends decided to go on a trip to a small lake, where they could zipline over the water. This sounded like a great idea which they all loved the moment they heard it.

Unfortunately, when it was Aimee’s turn to have some fun, the the cable snapped and she fell down a cliff. Sadly, she lost her leg that day.


Aimee was rushed to the hospital, and once there doctors had more horrific news. Aimme contracted a very serious flesh-eating bacteria which infected her wound. It was a matter of hours if she would survive or live.

The bacteria she had is known as Aeromonas hydrophila. This bacteria easily leads to a life-threatening condition known as necrotizing fasciitis, commonly referred to as a flesh-eating disease.

It required 11 surgeries for her life to be saved, but she lost both her hands and legs which needed to be amputated.


However, as brave as she has been, this young woman didn’t let the tragedy stay on her way of living her life to the best of her abilities.

Four years after the incident, Aimee shared a photo of herself at the beach, wearing a bikini and putting a huge smile on her face.

Many found inspiration in the photo and it was soon shared on the social media thousands of times with many saying that Aimee is a true inspiration.

Aimee Copeland (Facebook)

She’s proud of herself and of everything she managed to overcome, and what’s most, she’s proud of her body and the way she looks after the ordeal she had gone through.

“It has taken me a long time to become comfortable with and accept my new body. We are ALL made with imperfections and there is so much beauty in our flaws. The scars and skin grafting build character! It’s not about what you have — what you do with what you have is what really counts,” she wrote in the caption.

Today, Aimee is an advocate for amputee and disability rights, and she continues to inspire others through her public speaking engagements and social media posts. What’s most, she’s pursuing a PhD in psychology at the University of West Georgia.

She is the perfect example that nothing can take our dreams away, not even a tragedy like the one she suffered.

If you want to learn more about this gorgeous young lady check out the video below.

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