Her Last Dream: Brave Little Girl Marries Childhood Love Just Days Before Tragedy

Ask any parent and they’ll likely tell you there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for their child.

Becoming a mother or father changes life in ways that are hard to explain. From that day on, parents dedicate themselves to loving, caring for, and worrying about their child for the rest of their lives.

Sadly, though, there are some things even parents can’t prevent. Accidents and illness are part of life, and too many children suffer from things they can’t control.

Alina and Aaron Edwards’ lives were turned upside down when they learned that their 9-year-old daughter, Emma, had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Heartbroken, they held onto hope that Emma could fight the cancer. But after a few months, doctors delivered the devastating news that there was nothing more they could do to save her.

Determined to make the most of the time they had left, Emma’s parents decided to fulfill her wishes.

Many children in such situations might want to meet a celebrity, visit Disneyland, or walk out onto a sports field with their favorite player.

But Emma’s wish was different. She wanted to marry her 10-year-old boyfriend, DJ.

Before long, Emma’s wish gained a lot of attention from her local community. Volunteers and supporters came together under the name “Emma’s Army,” all working towards making the little girl’s dream come true before her time ran out.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation eventually stepped in to help Emma’s family raise funds. Emma’s mom, Alina, explained, “Most kids want to go to Disneyland, but Emma wanted to get married, be a wife, and have three kids.”

Reports say this wasn’t the first time Emma and DJ tried to marry each other. At the age of eight, the two had attempted to have a wedding at school. They even picked out bridesmaids and groomsmen from their classmates. However, their teacher didn’t allow the “wedding,” no matter how unofficial it was.

This time, though, the wedding had the full support of their parents and the help of countless kind-hearted people who were determined to make Emma’s wish come true.

“We put it all together in less than two days, and everything was donated. It was so precious, and it came together perfectly,” Alina shared.

When the big day arrived, the special moment was captured on video, including interviews with some of the guests. The young groom, DJ, shared his feelings, saying, “I thought she was the most beautiful person I ever saw. Ever since, I loved her.”

Emma’s mom, Alina, also had heartfelt words for DJ, expressing her gratitude for her daughter’s caring friend. In an emotional Facebook post, she wrote:

“DJ has been Emma’s ‘Boo bear’ since 3rd grade, and seeing these two together will melt your heart. DJ protects her, helps her, and makes her heart soar. She loves him, and I know he loves her too! He’s stood by her side through all the ups and downs and kept her smiling. DJ will forever be family.”

On June 29, Emma’s dream wedding became a reality. Arriving in a wheelchair, pushed by her loving parents, Emma wore a stunning purple dress and smiled brightly as her father escorted her down the aisle.

Emma and DJ exchanged rings and vows, with DJ sealing the ceremony with a sweet kiss. After the wedding, Emma returned to rest in bed, but her joy from the day was clear to everyone who saw her.

Sadly, just a few weeks later, on July 11, 2023, Emma passed away after bravely battling leukemia.

Her obituary read: “Emma Brooks Edwards entered heaven and into the loving arms of her Great-grandma Frannie Annie on July 11, 2023, surrounded by those who love her most. Emma was 10 years old and battled leukemia for 16 months. Our little unicorn, Emma, was born on April 22, 2013, and completed the Edwards family. She loved arts and crafts, practical jokes, her family, friends, Jesus, and her newlywed ‘husband,’ DJ. Emma was a light to all who knew her and an inspiration to everyone she met. She was the best daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, aunt, ‘wife,’ and friend. Her legacy is one of strength, humor, and endless love for all.”

Rest in peace, Emma, a beautiful soul taken far too soon.

20 Pairs of People Who Made Us Believe That Time Travel Is Already Possible

Although each person is born with a unique set of genes, when kids are born, it’s impossible to avoid conversations about who they look the most like. And some people are lucky enough to find resemblances to their older ancestors, like a bolt from the blue. With children looking like an exact copy of their parents and grandparents, we’re almost ready to believe that it’s a result of some kind of reincarnation or wizardry.

And while scientists are still scratching their heads about our genes, we at Bright Side simply can’t help but wonder about what miracles nature is really capable of.

1. Princess Diana and her grandmother, Cynthia, made us wonder whether time travel already exists.

2. “A side by side of my 3x great-grandmother and my mother”

3. “I think I might be a clone and no one told me.”

4. This family’s genes are so strong.

5. “My dad and me, 1980 vs 2020”

6. “This is me in the mid-’90s and my son in 2020, not quite the same pose, but I like seeing the similarities!”

7. “My grandmother (1940) and me (2005) — I feel grateful to carry on her lovely genes.”

8. “I think it’s fun to look at my dad at 12 vs me at 12.”

9. “Me vs my mom’s yearbook photo (1977)”

10. “My son at a year old in 2004 and his great-great-grandfather at the same age in 1882”

11. “My whole life people have told me I look just like my mom when she was my age. I never saw it until I found this old picture of my mom.”

12. Nature’s miracles with genes will never cease to amaze us.

13. “My dad and me, both at the age of 14”

14. “Found this old picture of my great-grandma. I was amazed at how much I look like her!”

15. This mom and daughter look almost identical.

16. Seems like sometimes nature works like a 3D printer.

17. This granddaughter has features similar to her grandmother, and they both look so beautiful.

18. “My ancestor from the 1700s next to my dad — apparently my family’s looks haven’t changed much.”

19. “My dad’s mother and me, 70 years apart”

20. This bright smile passed through at least 2 generations.

Bonus: Princess Charlotte and Queen Elizabeth might not look alike, but the princess is surely the queen’s mini-me.

Have you seen this kind of resemblance in real life? Do you know any relatives that look like you?

Preview photo credit JUSTIN TALLIS /AFP / Getty ImagesMax Mumby/Indigo / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

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