15 Tattoos You Don’t Want to Have No Matter What

Everyone makes decisions differently about getting tattoos. Some people take a long time to think everything through and some people decide to do it spontaneously and emotionally. Most people from our compilation are probably spontaneous. But sometimes, even if you are careful with choosing your tattoos, you still might get a controversial one like the guy in the last picture.Bright Side came across several tattoos that made our eyebrows go up.“The sketch I made for my tattoo vs What I ended up with”

© Kuronekostories / reddit

Treble clef tattoo

© MashaRistova / reddit

Her tattoo says “fresh spring rolls” in Thai.

© iiDream / reddit

“My wife and I had matching tattoos planned. I went first, hers was scheduled for a week after that. That was 4 days ago, 2 days ago we decided to get a divorce due to obviously unforeseen unfortunate circumstances. I’m an idiot.”

© oneedgiboi / reddit

“My friend got a tattoo.”

© Coffin_Nail / reddit

And where are the legs?

© Sylvi2021 / reddit

“My friend bought a tattoo gun on amazon for £100. Tattooed Darth Vader on himself.”

© unknown / imgur

“A friend of mine got a tattoo of some flowers, looks… Great!”

© Unitoast_ / reddit

“So my buddy’s step-sister got a tattoo of her mother…”

© Sirflow / reddit

“My awesome Star Wars tattoo”

© tjcslamdunk / reddit

“A buddy of mine has a friend who gave himself this in the 8th grade.”

© shad0w2323 / reddit

“Okay, there may be a typo here…”

© pnevmatika / pikabu

What’s up with these poor animals?

© WaxyGob617 / reddit

Well, this word is not easy to spell, so…

© ktbop2791 / reddit

A guy got the same tattoo as the dog he got. It turned out that the tattoo means that the dog was neutered.

© whoople / reddit

Later, the man said that he knew what the tattoo meant. He just wanted to do something for his dog to reinforce their connection. “My dog is always with me now.” We probably wouldn’t have done the same.

Have you ever gotten a bad tattoo that you regret? Tell us about it in the comment section below!

Drone pilot spots mysterious door in mountain

Embarking on a journey of drone exploration, our intrepid adventurer, John, found himself thrust into an unexpected odyssey when his drone chanced upon a cryptic entrance crowning a nearby mountain.

Fired up by an insatiable curiosity and a longing for discovery, John resolved to elevate his exploration to unprecedented heights by scaling the formidable Rocky Mountain. As his drone ascended to greater altitudes, an awe-inspiring spectacle materialized before him, a diminutive door poised atop one of the loftiest peaks.

Propelled by an undying sense of adventure, John equipped himself, filled his backpack with essentials, and initiated a quest toward the summit. Yet, the path to unraveling the mysteries hinted at by the mountain doorway was fraught with challenges. A single misstep resulted in the unfortunate loss of his flashlight, casting him into an abyss of darkness and disorientation.

Unfazed by adversity, John, with ingenuity at his side, concocted a resourceful solution that unfolded precisely as he had envisioned. The complete chronicle of this extraordinary escapade is meticulously documented in the video provided, encapsulating the twists and turns of an exploration fueled by an insatiable curiosity and the magnetic allure of the unknown.

Embark on this enthralling journey alongside John as he ventures through the mysterious mountain portal, unearthing a narrative that transcends the boundaries of imagination.

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